05/11/2020 - Virtuosity - Bad Boy Entertainment

AO: Virtuosity

When: 05/11/2020


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: Ann Arbor, Appletini, atat, Bjorn, Blueprints, Bongo, Cannoli, Captain Underpants, Coldcuts, Huxtable, Marla Hooch, Mendoza, Ozark, Rooney, Shandy, Twinning,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: (Wouldn't let me auto fill Nair- who was there)

QIC: Smokey


Wet Wipe tricked me into signing up for a virtual Q.  YHC doesn’t like technology so I stayed up way too late trying to coordinate a powerpoint, music, and figure out Ring for this Q. YHC can’t wait for the good old days of live Q-ing to return.  Until then…adapt and overcome right?

Since YHC wasn’t having an easy time of planning this thing, the PAX were going to have to earn the 1 point for showing up.

The Entire workout was done based on the clock. A clock was posted on the shared screen counting down from 45:00.  PAX were given directions on screen for how long to do each activity. Everyone muted their Mic’s, some Foo Fighters was put over the airwaves, and the Games Began!


1 Min mosey out and 1 min back- return at 43:00

30 second high knees, 30 sec butt kickers, 15 sec each for forward and reverse arm circles, and 1 min SSH’s to get the body loose.

The Thang

Thang 1: Smokey’s Circus

Tabata Style: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. Next exercise. Rinse and repeat Ten times:

-Coupon Thrusters (front squat into overhead press)


-Straight legged deadlifts


Thang 2: It’s a deep burn

Tabata Style: 20 sec on, 10 sec off. 4 rounds each (complete one then move on to the next)

-Squat Jumps

-Bent coupon rows



30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest, next exercise.  During “rest”- 5 merkins.

-Big Boy Situps

-V Sits

-V sit hold

-Leg raises

-Flutter Kicks

-Freddie Mercuries


Circle of Trust

Announcements and Prayers



-This COVID thing has brought out an ugly side of our region. I believe the made up Lincoln Games is an excellent way to try and bring out the greatness in our region, that we all know is there…it’s why we keep coming back for more.  Thank you ColdCuts for taking on the thankless job of Commissioner of a made up thing.

Everyone, Please, Please, take this from me and my experience as the Nation’s Iorn Pax Champion- IT’S ALL MADE UP…their is NO TROPHY, NO PRIZE MONEY, NO AWARD.  It’s awesome, and I loved the IPC and I love the Games, but really guys…it’s a made up thing!

Take The Games for what they are- a great chance to come together, get back to the small groups and relationships that make this F3 thing great. To bring us back to us. Please don’t let something that a couple dudes made up be a reason to beat each other up or snipe at guys.  Push each other, push yourself, and have fun with it.

Prayers of strength, of thanks, and asking The Lord to be with all of those who need him in this hour.

Naked Man Moleskin

Heavy participation for a virtual workout thanks to The Games kicking off.  Thanks to WetWipe and Bjorn for walking me through the technology of Q-ing a virtual.

I meant every word I said in my CoT.  Everyone has a full plate these days. Why bellyache to/at/or about another PAX who has just as much on his mind about a fake contest?  Take the good from this.

You want good? It was awesome to see (virtually) PAX I haven’t seen since before COVID.  That’s my hope for The Games.  F3 Naperville gets back to being what we all know and love.


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