04/14/2022 - Iron Lion - Battle of the Boy Bands

AO: Iron Lion

When: 04/14/2022


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sun Devil


@channel pb 4/14 at 5:15
🦁 👨🏻‍🎤🧑🏻‍🎤👩🏻‍🎤🔱 Iron Lion 🔱🧑🏻‍🎤👩🏻‍🎤👨🏻‍🎤🦁

Battle of the Bands bootcamp!
NSYNC vs Backstreet Boys

Drop your HC ⬇️
Bring a coupon 🧱
Wear a weight vest 🦺  and your team gets +1 point


F3 is free, open to all men who sing and dance, held outdoors rain or shine, peer led in a rotating fashion, and ends in a COT

  1. Boy Band side steps
  2. Bye Bye Bye jumps
  3. Heart throbs
  4. Britney bends
  5. Backstreet pose

The Thang

Thang #1: Clock work (12 cones set up like a clock with center as starting point)

2 teams racing one starting at 12:00 and one starting at 06:00

  1. Run to 12:00 cone then 10 Ranger Merkins, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  2. Run to 1:00 cone then 10 Side Straddle hops, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  3. Run to 2:00 cone then 10 Air Squats, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  4. Run to 3:00 cone then 10 Jab/Cross punches, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  5. Run to 4:00 cone then 10 burpees, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  6. Run to 5:00 cone then 10 Grady Corns, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  7. Run to 6:00 cone then 10 Squat Jumps (knees to chest), run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  8. Run to 7:00 cone then 10 Big Boy Situps, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  9. Run to 8:00 cone then 10 Skater lunges (R+L=1), run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  10. Run to 9:00 cone then 10 coupon swings, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  11. Run to 10:00 cone then 10 coupon overhead presses, run back to center for 1 alarm clock
  12. Run to 11:00 cone then 10 Bonnie Blairs (R+L=1), run back to center for 1 alarm clock

2 rounds (second rd is first finisher and only 2 reps each station

Hula Hoop dance-off between Catfish & Ebeneezer

Thang #2: Partner Races (2 lines facing each other about 20 yds apart)

  1. Rifle Carry
  2. Coupon Carry
  3. Lunges
  4.  Tug of War
  5. Coupon Farmer Carry

Thang #3 – Ultimate Football


Circle of Trust

When you think about all the reasons you join a boy band….to travel the world, to be famous, to be wealthy, for all the girls….Justin Timberlake said what it is really all about:

“The best part of being with a group is that you don’t do everything alone. You’re with your friends.”

And so JT know what makes F3 so special as well.

Naked Man Moleskin

@Catfish Hunter loves boy bands. He was team backstreet boys all the way….and helped lead this team to victory!

@Ebeneezer is the the Justin Timberlake of F3 and could easily go off and have a solo career, but we are glad he’s back with the band

@Mellencamp thanks for being a great SQ! Was glad you had my 6!

@Sputnik, thanks for being the score keeper! Thanks for tilting the scale towards Team Backstreet…you’re payment is in the mail.

@Nacho Libre, way to EC with @Rain Man! I think I caught a glimpse of you both singing into each other’s eyes. Of course you both volunteered for the dance off!

@Big Wheel, you’re Bye Bye Bye move is fire! Hope your kids got a kick out of this one.

@Callahan, way to be sassy with those Britney bends

@Sulley, I know you were on the fence last night…so glad you were able to make it out…You were a beast in football!

@Riunite, best 1 hand interception I have seen in 2022! Also way to be out front for Team Backstreet on our alarm clock loop

@Backdraft, Tug of War is over quickly when you grab the rope. Thanks for coming out today. Backdrafts, back, alright!

@Cousin Eddie, solid Boy Band slides. Don’t think I didn’t catch you mouthing all the words to “Tearin’ Up My Heart”

@Chain Link a true HIM at all times. Great work on the coupon race! You were larger than life!

@Cow Bell dropping boy band knowledge and making a special K-Pop request at coffeeteria.

@Ghost Pepper glad you were able to make it out and hope you had a great time! You crushed those Alarm Clocks. You wanted it that way!

@Goldberg, loved the Clint Eastwood gif….glad it was worth your time today hahaha

@Bear Spray, so glad you were a late HC! I bet you have a boy band face behind that beard

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