09/22/2020 - The Colosseum - BC from The Colosseum- 9/22/2020

AO: The Colosseum

When: 09/22/2020


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Den Mother,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0


QIC: Toby


Awesome morning… First day of fall and what a better way to kick it off than a good ol ass whooping…. 49 degrees when I arrived to set up at 445am with a nice smoky smell in the air from someones fire pit.  While setting up, I was able to reflect a bit on what I was actually going to be doing to myself and the other PAX today and I had a huge sense extreme proudness come over me.  What we do is crazy and awesome all at the same time.


22 Side Straddle Hops

11 Good Mornings

Quad stretches- OYO

Arm Circles- Front- 10

Arm Circle- Back- 10

The Thang

Waterfall exercise.

PAX1 starts doing 10 merkins.  At the midpoint, PAX1 tells PAX2 he is at halfway done… PAX2 starts doing merkins while PAX 1 finishes up…. PAX 1 sprints to the end of the “waterfall” until all PAX are complete.  While waiting, all PAX hold GOOD squat position….  We did this 2 full times then completed a burpee waterfall following the same routine as above


All PAX headed to north side of parking lot for 11’s

Exercise #1 was blockies followed by lunges to base of hill followed by merkins at the base of hill followed by bear crawls back to the top.  We repeated until time was call at 5:38am

Baseball field of hell

Home Plate: 25 arm curls while on knees

SPRINT to right field foul pole

25 high knees

SPRINT to center field

25 “GOOD” Squats

SPRINT to left field

25 Side Straddle Hops

SPRINT to home

RINSE and REPEAT…. Some planks/burpees might have been sprinkled in as well 🙂


25 big boys- OYO

25 LBC’s- OYO


Planks- High and Low

Ended right at 6am

Circle of Trust

12 Steps to Sucking Less

  1. Try Something: Most people DO NOT make it this far
  2. Realize you suck
  3. Decide you want to get better
  4. Try again- Realize you still suck
  5. Practice: Suck a little less
  6. Practice More: Suck a little less
  7. Contemplate Quitting… DO NOT
  8. Become tenacious.. Try again… Suck less
  9. Practice some more and watch everyone else go home!
  10. Keep FUCKIN practicing… Suck even less
  11. Outlast everyone… Become mediocre


Naked Man Moleskin

“Tuesdays do NOT have to suck.  This is your reminder to be awesome today”

Great job today fellas…. I sucked when Green Day came on and really wanted to hold Den Mother’s hand or give him a hug 🙂


SYITG tomorrow dudes

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