07/01/2022 - The Outpost - BCBCOGOPFGFGBF
AO: The Outpost
When: 07/01/2022
Number of Pax: 20
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast for Bean Counter Bootcamp at the OG OP on a Feel Good AND Giving Back Friday! Otherwise known as BCBCOGOPFGFGBF
or something like that.
Anyways… bring your coupon and be ready to put in some work! As always, I will provide some tunes. Have a song request?…throw in the thread and I will consider it!
Please check out Toady’s post in #mumbblechatter and consider sticking around or even traveling in from another AO post workout to help out the Naperville Park District in their setup for the fireworks show this weekend. Probably one of our more important relationships is with the NPD so let’s show them how we do it here in F3! HC in the thread!
Got to the AO a little later than I would have liked (see NMM) but it all worked out. Enough time to plant the flag and get the speaker set up and ready to go.
Five Core Principles, Disclaimer, Credo, Mission Statement all given. Let’s get warm.
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Tempo Merkins IC x 10
Arm Circles IC x 10 Forward and Reverse
Tempo Squat IC x 10
Hairy Rockets IC x 10
SSH IC x 20
The Thang
Thang 1
Parking Lot – Coupon Work
20 Thrusters
Mosey to Shed
WallSit Bear Crawl
Derkins x 10
Mosey to Parking Lot
20 Tri Extensions
15 Thrusters
Mosey to Middle of Ball Fields
Dip Hold – Bernie Around Pavilion
Burpee Box Jumps x 10
Mosey Back to Parking Lot
20 Lion Kings
15 Tri Extensions
10 Thrusters
Mosey to NorthEast Round-about
Low Plank with Shuffle Around Loop
Angle Grinders IC x 10 FORGOT TO DO THIS!
Mosey Back to Flags
20 Drag Curls
15 Lion Kings
10 Tri Extensions
19 Thrusters (each PAX called an ‘up’…BR was getting coffee)
Thang 2 (had a little extra time)
1 Merkin – 4 Air Presses
2 Merkins – 8 Air Presses
Up to 6 and 24.
Freddie Mercuries IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Heel Touches IC x 10
Captain Thor to 5
Circle of Trust
Count – 20
Announcements – Thanks Snoop-a-Loop
Name-o-Rama – Chaps, Snorkle, Riunite, Fargo, Elway, Dumpster Fire, Quarter Cart, Ken Doll, Bob Ross, Sho’nuff, Snap Crackle Pop, One Eye Willy, Sonny Bono, HHGregg, Body Glide, SlapGuy, 2 Hand Touch, SpiritFingers, Snoop-a-Loop
I kept it fairly simple. F3 is F”3”… three components of which you get to decide how you want to participate. This 3rd F is something I had been chasing for a long time in life. I have always had some sort of fitness routine. I’ve had friends…or at least acquaintances. I’ve always donated or given to various charities. However, I’ve never felt like I had a charity/foundation/organization that I could call ‘home’. This is something F3 has provided for me. Don’t take these things for granted. When presented with an opportunity to give back, especially to our own community…DO IT!
Thanks Toady for getting this volunteer opportunity together.
Naked Man Moleskin
I realized when I was getting dressed this morning that I forgot to plug in my watch last night. It was down to 7% and I didn’t think I would make it through the workout…so I plugged it in and sat in my bathroom for a good 7-8 minutes. It got up to 19% which ended up being good enough for the post + activity afterwards. Question … if I didn’t have my watch and nothing got tracked…would it even count? Ha.
I told PAX that I would consider any song requests thrown my way. Snoop requested some country song (Up/Down). My Amazon Music/Speaker shut off as soon as the song was over. Not sure what happened. Maybe they were confused as to why I would have this stuff blaring through my music account! 😊 Anyways, once we finished the exercise I was able to get it back up and running.
Awesome crew today. Thanks for the support and more importantly, thanks for sticking around to help out afterwards. – Bean Counter