11/08/2022 - The Outpost - BD RC Week – OP Edition
AO: The Outpost
When: 11/08/2022
Number of Pax: 29
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast – The Outpost 0515 Run Club
Come join the squad @channel as we continue our quest to hit 6 Run Clubs this week. Never done a Run club before? This is the week to start! I’ll make sure to get us stretched out and on the move. It won’t be an out and back but we will still get the miles in! Like I said before, I definitely have a complicated relationship with running. But whether it be for the glory, for the thrill, from the cops, to hit the MFing A gap, or to the buffet…there will come when we all gotta do it! So join me tomorrow and let’s get after it! HC below and add the
if you’re shooting for a few RCs this week.
Got to the AO around 5:05 and there was already a good energy in the place. The moon looked amazing. Got the crew circled up and ready to get warm. Recited the five core principles, disclaimer, mission statement, and credo. This will not be an out and back.
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Lunge Hip Flex Stretch Hold 10 Sec Left and Right
Quad Stretch Hold 10 Sec Left and Right
High Plank Calf Stretch 10 Sec Left and Right
SSH IC x 10
The Thang
Thang 1 – Rebel Run to Basketball Court
Broke up into two lines – Fast and Faster. The fast group went straight east on the path towards the basketball courts led by our SiteQ 2 Hand Touch. The “Faster” group went the long way heading south on the path, then east, then back up north and stopping at the basketball courts.
Thang 2 – Basketball Court Suicides
Broke up into two groups. Group 1 did a round of suicides starting from the sideline. We went sideline to basketball hoop line and back, area between courts and back, 2nd basketball hoop line and back, and finally the 2nd court far sideline and back. Group 2 did SSH. Swap
Mosey to east parking lot.
Thang 3 – Modified Suicides
Pax lined up along the first row of parking spaces. There are five rows of spaces. We would run about 85% to the first line, then mosey back to start, 85% out to the second line, then mosey back, etc until we hit the far line and back. PICK UP THE SIX.
Round 2 – Same as above except start with a run out to the far parking row and back and work your way back down. PICK UP THE SIX.
Thang 4 – Black Snake
Broke back up into our two groups of fast and faster. This time we all ran the straight path back to the parking lot and we did a black snake weave run. We made our way over to the flags and then over to the north parking lot.
Thang 5 – Concentric Ovals
Pax ran oval laps around the large double parking lots. The instructions were to go about 75-80% (Faster than usual) on the long ends but then slow mosey or even walk on the short ends. Lap two same thing but cut it one island shorter. Continue the laps cutting down the number of islands until you get to the last final lap that is more like a circle. Then work your way back out.
Mary –
We played three rounds of Wolves and Sheep. A few PAX volunteered to be the wolves. The rest of the PAX (Sheep) would start doing a bernie sanders run across the width of the parking lot. The wolves would do three burpees and then chase and tag as many sheep as they could. Once you were tagged, you were now a wolf for the next round. If you didn’t get tagged, you remained a sheep.
After three rounds we worked our way back to the flags for a final hamstring stretch.
Recover, recover
Circle of Trust
Count – 29!
Announcements – Thanks 2 Hand Touch
Yesterday was my first real taste of the effect of daylight savings time. I was in the office and when I got out of work at 5pm, it was pitch black outside on the way walking to the train. This reminded me of how in years past the time change and the seemingly fulltime darkness would effect me (and I am sure many others). I mentioned this last year around this time and I will say it again … I no longer feel that ‘seasonal depression’ and it is BECAUSE of F3. I used to get down about the darkness because I felt like I never had time to get outside and just enjoy the fresh air. Looks at us all now though … we just spend 45 minutes running around in the dark. We got some energy out. We chatted it up with the guys. We got the fresh air. Please … no one here is ‘stronger’ then mental health issues. I am not a professional, so please seek help if you need it. For me, this group has made a difference…this life style has made a difference. For many of you all, it can to. Keep coming out. Keep getting that fresh air. Whether it is hot or cold, rain or shine, daylight or darkness. Get out and post!
Naked Man Moleskin
2nd day straight of a run club for me for the first time ever. The energy of the Balls Deep group is growing. The camaraderie being built is amazing. Let’s keep the momentum going.
Also – that collision between Bobby Fischer and that car … has anyone checked on the car? Wow!
Honored to lead – BC