08/10/2021 - Dark Tower - BD Shakeup

AO: Dark Tower

When: 08/10/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Bassmaster, Bush Push, Carmen SanDiego, Glenn, Harbaugh, Serena,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Smokey


Tomorrow we shake it up. Come out and do work.


Or don’t.

Your call.

0500. Bring your gloves, a water bottle, and an old beach towel.


That vague of a PB got Serena and BabyHands hitting me on a slack thread asking for a written plan.  Told my old friend and our new Man’tan, NOPE.  Come out and play.

Arrived at 0450 to see Harbaugh TheraGunning himself alone in the parking lot (he does that alot apparently…). PAX started rolling in with towels, water bottles, and questioning looks.

1 Fartsack and we got underway.


5 core principals.

Take a mouthful of water and mosey to the turf field.  Come to the field dry mouthed, and you will face a penalty.  Let’s mosey.

Serena rolled up swearing he’s been a mouth breather his whole life and damn proud of it. Carmen SD said running with a mouthful of water was worse than being waterboarded. Glenn brought a water bottle but no cap… Still showed up with a full mouth of water and not a drop spilled from his bottle.  Stud.

Warm up:

Arm circles, trunk rotations, and wrist rotations. Some of us got some bonus stretching time.  Others got some time with burpees to think about their choices…..

The Thang

Thangs at the Field:

  1. From sideline to sideline: Bear crawls down, crawl bears back
  2. Crab walks down, walk crabs back
  3. Army crawl down, Bernie Sanders back (absolutely underestimated how wet this would get us. Soaked the rest of the workout).
  4. Tennessee Iditarod. Partner up on the goal line. Partner 1 grabs both ends of the towel. Partner 2 loops the towel around their waist.  For 20 yards, partner 2 sprints as partner 1 holds them back. At 20 yard line, partner 1 releases the towel and partner 2 sprints another 20 yards.  Regroup at the 40, switch, and return to the goal line.  Did this 3x.
  5. Partner carries down and back. 40 yards.  Poor Carmen SD.  Glenn goaded me into a race at the 35 yard line with 5 yards to go. I tried to put on the gas but buckled instead. Good thing Carmen SD is an athlete and rolled! Damn you Glenn.
  6. Partner drag 40 yards. Switch to return.
  7. Wheel barrow race.  Partner up. 20 yards down, switch, 20 yards on the return. Team Serena and BassMaster beat the other two partner groups (solo bear crawler technically crossed before them).
  8. Broad jump competition.  All PAX on the goal line.  1 broad jump. Look left and right.  Shortest jumper drops from the group and runs sideline to sideline for the rest of the contest.

FakeID came over and evicted us from “his field”.  The press box light was on, so we think he might have slept there and called squatters rights.  Whatever.  Fill up a mouthful of water and head to the covered bridge.  Know in advance, 25 burpees if you show up dry.

Thang 2:

Carmen SD either puked or gagged, so he joined in the burpee fun. BassMaster and Serena both conquered their minds and showed up with water to spare.

  1. Partner thrusters. Partner 1 in plank. Partner 2 grabs partner 1’s ankles and performs 10 thrusters. Switch after 10.  Immediate AAR was to move this from bricks to grass.  Now where’s the fun in that?
  2. 11’s at the bridge. Pullups/Merkins. Cut it short for our Mary 11 at 5:50
  3. 5:50: 11’s of Toes to bar/knees to elbows.  BassMaster gave an in game AAR of poor directions. Still unsure if he didn’t know what the exercises were or if he was buying himself 30 seconds of wind.  Either way- well played sir.
  4. 5:55: stretching. Yoga series of downward dogs, upward dogs, warriors….you’ve been to enough Broga to know this was a poor man’s version. Then a world’s greatest stretch and legs thrown over the head to end the workout.

Circle of Trust

A co worker died last Sunday at 44. Left behind a wife and two young kids.  A 29 year old CPD cop was shot and killed Saturday night.  Who knows right? Why do we live like we do when nothing is promised to us.  Go out and do something good in the world today.

Ended with a prayer of thanksgiving and asking God to help us do his work in the world.

Naked Man Moleskin

Fair enough- the PAX wanted to know what the heck the water thing was all about.  It started with the book Breath by James Nestor. Nestor talks about how centuries of warriors and cultures breathed through their noses intentionally and the myriad of health benefits to breathing through your nose.  The next book I read, Warrior’s Creed, by Roger Sparks talks about Spark’s time as a Recon Marine and Air Force PJ.  When Sparks was a drill instructor at Recon training, he made candidates run for 5 miles with water in their mouths. If they couldn’t, he made them shove gravel in their mouths.  The whole thing was a discipline exercise Sparks picked up researching ancient cultures.

Fortunately, Bush Push was there, has read Breath, and assured the PAX that at least some of what I said was true.

Sometimes the big groups and high PAX counts are fun.  Don’t sleep on a small group workout. I love the dynamics of getting to interact with each PAX the whole time.

Thanks to the 6 PAX who came out and let me try some off beat stuff with them.  Hopefully you all were as wiped out as I was today.


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