06/13/2023 - The Outpost - BD Week – LOP Stop
AO: The Outpost
When: 06/13/2023
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Good news @channel! If you posted today, you are well on your way to completing a 9 pack! If you didn’t…well you can still get 7 or 8 posts in and feel good about pushing yourself further for the week. BUT… you need to get this Late Start
action to make it.
Preblast – Late Outpost – 0615
Bring your coupons and shoes for anything. Might as well bring that FNG out too. It’ll be fun. HC in the thread and SYITG!
Arrived at the AO around 0617 due to traveling from Two Wolves. More in NMM below. Snowden had started the PAX with some SSH. I picked it up from there.
Started by Snowden – SSH
YHC Picked Up from here –
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Arm Circles F IC x 10
Arm Circles R IC x 10
Seal Claps IC x 10
Overhead Clap IC x 15
Abe Vigodas IC x 10
Motivators from 5
Mosey to east path with coupons
The Thang
Thang 1
10 Blockees
Run 1/3 of the way down the path
20 Merkins
3 Man Rebel Run Back
15 American Hammers
10 Burpees
Coupon Carry 1/3 of the way down the path
30 Chest Press
Leave Coupons and run 2/3 way down path
20 Squats
2 Line Rebel Run Back to Start
15 American Hammers
10 Burpees
Mosey to Coupons
30 Chest Press
Run 2/3 way down path with Coupons
20 Goblet Squats Squats
Run all the way down to Pavilion
Thang 2 – DORA
100 Step Ups
100 Irkins
100 Dips
Partner Lunge Walks to Bathroom, Mosey back
Thang 3
Mosey back to 2/3 mark where coupons are waiting. 20 Goblet Squats.
Coupon Rebel Run back stopping at 1/3 mark for 20 Merkins.
Continue Coupon Rebel Run back to start of parking lot. Hold Squat for 6.
Rifle Carry to Flags.
American Hammers IC x 15
Recover, recover
Circle of Trust
Count – 9
Announcements – Thanks Dilbert
Name-o-Rama – Snowden, Chutes and Ladders, Horse-n-Buggy, Hacksaw, Columbus, Cowpie, HHGregg, Dilbert, Bean Counter
Make the time during this summer to spend with your 2.0s, M, Family, and Friends. Now that I have a kid in the school system, I realize the significance of ‘summer break’ again. Before kids and when kids were in daycare, it didn’t really matter as much. There is no ‘break’ for work. This is why it is important for you to MAKE the time. Take the time off work. Plan events with your 2.0’s, your M, family, and friends. Don’t take this time for granted because before you know it, it will be the second week of August and school will be starting again and another summer will have flown by. Be intentional. Look at the calendar. Pick a day or days… and make it happen!
Naked Man Moleskin
I was 2 minutes late for the workout today because I (and a few others) was coming over from Two Wolves. The CoT at Two Wolves went a little long but I did not want to leave in the middle of it. I have said this to others before, but I feel like the CoT is one of the more important parts of our mornings together as PAX here in F3. Honestly, I would take being a few minutes late every time if that meant I didn’t have to cut out on a Q who is sharing his message for the day. And Laimbeer definitely had a good CoT this morning.
Thank you Snowden for picking me up and getting the guys started during Warm-o-Rama!
Honored – BC