12/12/2022 - The Bear - :bear: PREBLAST THE BEAR BC :bear:

AO: The Bear

When: 12/12/2022


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Laimbeer


PAX may want to hit an RC to run/ruck for Scrooge’d tomorrow but if you miss YHC’s soph Q at The Bear you’ll be Screwed (disappointed).Bring a sandbag or coupon for an upper body extravaganza and be ready to move.



Arm Circles IC 20

Michael Phelps IC 20

Burpees OYO 10

Grab yo coupon/bag and we are off…

The Thang

Mosey around the park, take in the sights for pearls on a string.  Each station is IC chest/shoulder/back 20-25. Focal stops (among others) at the Hill for 11’s (Merkins at the bottom, upright row at the top), Hang Cleans at the Memorial Statue followed by a moment of silence for those who have served, final stop 30 yards of murder bunnies.


Merkin Circle of Death

Bent over row Circle of Death

Staggered Merkin Circle of Death

Michael Phelps IC 20

Recover Recover

Circle of Trust

In following the CoT from the past two weeks, YHC’s CoT’s are Advent based and sourced from Sunday’s church service:

This week the discussion was how Mary, a young, low income teen from a rough town like Nazareth, found out she was to be pregnant with Jesus.  She needed someone to discuss this situation with.  So she chose to ride to see her close relative, Elizabeth, who lives 3-5 days away.

Mary made the trek. Elizabeth who was also pregnant, was ecstatic when she say Mary and heard the news.  Elizabeth, who was pregnant with who would eventually become John the Baptist, it is said that she was so excited that John did a flip in her belly.

Elizabeth was Mary’s elder and of higher status.  She was also farther along in her pregnancy.  It was not something that would be normal for Mary to intrude on her with this information.  But Elizabeth was so happy for her and supportive of Mary.  Elizabeth exalted Mary and praised the Lord with the news.

The point of the CoT is that in this season of Advent and any season really, as men of F3, YHC challenges the men of F3, those at the workout, to find someone they may not normally be supportive of, someone unexpected, and support that person.  Lift them up and help them along.  No matter what the cause.  Maybe they want to write a book, learn a language, succeed at a promotion, find financial freedom, get through marital issues.  Whatever the goal, lend a hand and be that person’s rock, that person’s support system that they may not have realized they had in his or her life.



We prayed for some of our brothers in F3 who are struggling through medical issues either personally or with their family and asked the Lord to guide them to strength, perseverance, and patience.

Naked Man Moleskin

Hard working group this morning.  The Bear showed up and put it in!

I was happy to see Dorn out there getting it in and modifying as necessary not long after back surgery.

Glad to see a lot of new faces out here at the Bear working hard.  Keep it up.

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