01/04/2022 - Two Wolves - Beatdown at Two Wolves 1/4

AO: Two Wolves

When: 01/04/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: C-bus


1/04/22 5:15 AM
YHC is Qing and we have Bean Counter as Site Q/DJ…
You know what that means!  We’ll be lifting heavy things, moving the whole time and listening to some metal while we do it! Rugby stuff, coupon work, mumble chatter etc. etc.
We’ll be on pavement the whole time, bring your coupon, and muscle and drop your HC below!


Mosey around the parking lot

Tappy Taps x10

Imperial walkers x10

Quad stretch

Hammy stretch

Worlds greatest stretch

Motivators from 5 with a double time on the last hop

The Thang

Thang 1:

Rugby pop pass drill in the lot

Thang 2:

Coupons to the pavilion

5 overhead press 5 rows and then up the stairs and around the hill add 5 each time till 20

5 chest press 5 curls 5 skull crushers and then up the stairs and around the hill add 5 each time till 20

5 step ups 5 ankle biters and then up the stairs and around the hill till 10


50 LBC’s

10 American Hammers

Plank, right plank, plank, left plank, plank

Stretch as needed


Circle of Trust

I have been praying for my step-mom and dad for the last 8 months or so.  We found out around spring break that my step mom has ALS.  It’s been pretty much all downhill since then.  Started with a cane, then a walker, and last time we saw them at Christmas she was in a wheel chair and even talking took a lot out of her.


What I take from all this is to live each day to it’s fullest.  Used some quotes from the LEGENDARY FRED ROGERS to emphasize that…

  • “It’s not so much what we have in this life that matters. It’s what we do with what we have.”
  • “The thing I remember best about successful people I’ve met all through the years is their obvious delight in what they’re doing, and it seems to have very little to do with worldly success. They just love what they’re doing, and they love it in front of others.”
  • “It’s good to be curious about many things.”
  • “You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.”

Especially the last one.  Since starting F3 I feel like there’s a lot of talk about how it all makes us better men, better husbands, better dads.  I do believe this.  But that last quote is what makes this happen.  Choose to play with your kid instead of being distracted by something else.  Give you wife your full attention.   Tell the people around you that you love them.  Call that person you’ve been meaning to get in contact with.

Prayer intentions and Our Father to close it out.

Naked Man Moleskin

Thanks to Bean Counter for having my 6.  Thanks to the guys that came out.   Hope everyone has a good day.

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