03/04/2022 - The Launch Pad - Bible Beatdown

AO: The Launch Pad

When: 03/04/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Cousin Eddie


Tiny Bubbles will be leaving us to lead another flock in Texas.  As our way of sending him off and paying tribute, 4 of us have decided to do a Bible Beatdown tomorrow.  That’s right!  What better way than the first Friday in Lent to pay homage to one of our brothers that serves others on a daily basis.  Bring those coupons and HC in the thread for a BIBLE BEATDOWN!

The Scene:  It was warmer than I thought.  I arrived early enough to test out the distance from the lot to the baseball field for the last thang.  Time will be a factor but we’ll squeeze it in.  Almost everyone was on time.  Brooks showed up towards the end of WOR, which was extra long.

Welcome & Disclaimer

F3 has 5 core principles:  1. Free 2. Open to ALL men 3. Peer led in a rotating fashion 4. Held outdoors rain or shine, heat or cold 5. Ends in a Circle of Trust

I am not a professional.  You are here of your own free will.  I have no knowledge of any injuries or fitness considerations. It is your responsibility to be safe and modify exercises as needed.

In cadence (IC) is the rhythm in between each rep or the body movement between each rep.


17 reps all in cadence (IC)

Side straddle hops


Arm circles 

Mountain climbers

Abe vigoda

Tappy taps

The Thang



Pair up

Chilcutt Plank position

Rock, paper, scissors

Winner: Merkin

Loser: Burpee

Tie: Chilly Jack

10 rounds

Start at 1 and go up 1 each round

We had 11 total so there was one threesome.

Hold plank until all are done.


Triple check

Teams of three

PAX1: curls

PAX2: skull crushers

PAX3: run loop, the first round was all the way around the football field.  In order to cut out some time, the next two rounds were cut through the middle.  Although some PAX couldn’t follow that instruction (cough – Brooks – cough)

Once PAX 3 finishes lap, all rotate

One round = each PAX completes all three stations

See who can finish 3 rounds first

Again, since we had 11, we had 2 groups of 4 and one group of 3.  The group of 3 finished first but all had completed all 3 rounds.


Base Chase

At this point we had about 10 minutes and it would take 2 minutes to mosey to the baseball field.  So we did.

One group at each base, in this case cones

Travel to odd bases: frog hop (or lunge walk), 10 crunchy frogs

Travel to even bases Bear crawl, 10 Dancing Bear

Can’t move to next base until whole group is done

Try to catch other team

YHC’s team started at 3rd.  By the time we reached 2nd base, Moonlight’s team had caught us.  I thought that was the perfect time to collect the cones and head back to the flags.


Everyone returned back to the flags at 6am – recover, recover

Circle of Trust


TClaps to all those that helped mobilize to donate to Ukrainian refugees

Celtic Classic

Love Your Neighbor volunteer opportunities

Count-o-rama:  11

Name – o – rama:  NoseJob, Doback, Gordon’s, Serena, Augustus Gloop, SpeakerCity, Backdraft, Brooks, Moonlight, Cupcake, Cousin Eddie


Tiny Bubbles cancer treatments as well as his upcoming move.

European nations, that they may stand against tyranny.

Naked Man Moleskin

The warmorama was a reference to Proverbs Chapter 17 Verse 17: A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.

In Tiny Bubbles’ COT he talked about how F3’s Brotherhood has helped him battle his skin cancer.  It has always been there to lift him up, help him out and keep him going.  Never be afraid to ask for help from your brothers in the gloom.  The results may surprise you.


Cousin Eddie

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