08/13/2020 - The Ridge - Black Diamond – BROTHERHOOD

AO: The Ridge

When: 08/13/2020


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: 5-Putt, bedpan, Dilly Dilly, Elway, FIB, John Denver, Onesie, Parks and Rec, RoachCoach, Skinner, Sparkler, Tourniquet, Trailer Park, Upchuck, Vern,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Crossroads Guys: Disco Ball, Bone Spur, Caveman

QIC: Dilly Dilly


It was a quiet morning as I rolled in at 4:30 AM & headed over to the fields to set up my “2 a day” 4 corner workout.  As I rolled back in at 4:50 AM the PAX were stretching out & getting ready.  As we circled up Twilight showed up with his rubberbands to get stretched out for his MASH workout, Sheldon was setting up on-site coffeteria, & Den Mother was setting up for the normal beat down at 5:15 AM.  Needless to say it was a busy morning with 3 workouts & an outdoor coffeteria going down!!

We got things going quickly with a modified Circle Burp & Red Bull Smurf Jacks (barely could catch my own breath to get the count in). Then we quickly lined up in Indian Run form & headed to the school.  I set the tone letting the team know we had 9 mins to get to the school 1.25 miles away.  We had to play leap frog over Ridge Rd. but came in hot at 8 mins (min under goal).  We partnered up, did some sprints, FIB tried to kill UpChuck but he held strong.  Then we did another Indian run over the Bridge (Bedpan almost through merlot) & to the field with a goal of 7 mins for 0.75 miles & we came in at 6 mins.

Then we did 2 a days (football field dimensions with four corners).  I have nothing to say but CONTRA BURPEES SUCK (ascending merkins each burpee).


Warm O Rama: (5 mins)

  • Good mornings (10) IC
  • Hit Drill (1 min)
  • Red Bull Smurf Jacks 20 (IC)
  • Grady Corn 10 (IC)

The Thang

Warm O Rama: (3 mins)

  • Good mornings (10) IC
  • Hit Drill (1 min)
  • Red Bull Smurf Jacks 20 (IC)
  • Grady Corn 10 (IC)


Thang #1:  Indian Run to School (9 mins)

  • Keep pace under 8 min mile (about 1.25 miles)


Thang #2:  Partner Sprints (10 mins)

  • Partner #1 sprints 90 yards does 10 squats & 10 merkins & after last merkin hold plank
  • Partner #2 is holding plank while partner #1 finishes; when partner #1 is holding plank then partner #2 sprints to where partner #1 is then does 10 squats & 10 merkins; partner #1 then sprints to other end
  • Goal of 6 sprints

Thang #3:  Indian Run to the Field (8 mins)

  • Keep pace under 8 min. mile

Thang #4:  Two-A –Days (23 mins)

  • Set four corners up as same distance of football field (120 long ways & 53 on the short ways); goal to get three rotations
  • 1st round is 15 reps, 2nd round 10 reps, 3rd round 5 reps
  • 2 exercises at each station; sprint from station to station OYO
    • Hydraulics & Hand release merkins
    • Body Builders & Box Cutters
    • Lunges & Leg Lifts
    • Carolina Dry Dock & Contra Burpees


Sprint up & down the hill doing 20 LBC’s at the top & bottom; then 15; then 10

Circle of Trust

Count A Rama:  ??

Announcements:  Get on slack, F3 10 year, Convergence

Name A Rama:  Elway & Roach RESPECT

Prayers:  Miyagi, Crabgrass, F3 men going through tough times

Naked Man Moleskin


Brotherhood:  I believe brotherhood among men is important, and brotherhood goes much deeper than just drinking buddies. I have some great father-figures in my life and some good guy friends. But, I have always kept them at arm’s length – I never allowed myself to be truly vulnerable with them or allowed them to challenge me on big issues or get to close.

But not F3 brotherhood, it is something different, it has that locker room affect.  There is something about being pushed to your ultimate limits physically & mentally & creating a brotherhood.  I have shared personal stories with this group I have not shared with many people, I have cried with 100 guys over an individual I barely knew (Noonan).  If you let it this brotherhood can be special.

There are some men around this circle who have pushed me in this brotherhood & have been my mentors & coached me in some tough situations & there are some other brothers in this circle that I have watched come in recently & grow up & I hope I have passed on that same mentorship & brotherhood.  I love all you guys & love what we are creating.  Let’s keep taking Sad Clowns & making them part of the F3 brotherhood.  Aye!

Dear lord, thank you for this opportunity to wake up early in the gloom & experience your greatness.  We are humbled for the opportunity you give us every day to be in your glory & serve you as leaders in our communities.  Watch over those in our spoken prayers as well as those that are in our hearts that are not as fortunate as many of us & give them healing & strength in their struggles.  In your name we pray.  Amen!

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