02/25/2022 - La Luz - “Bread Is Delicious!”

AO: La Luz

When: 02/25/2022


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Parks and Rec


I knew I had to put something good together for the Friday beatdown. There are some pretty badass at La Luz and I did not want to disappoint. The first time in months, I looked at the F3 Exicon for some inspiration. I think I only made it to page 6 or 7 and I had already found plenty of good options.


NEVER MISS A MONDAY FRIDAY! Pretty incredible lineup of Q’s tomorrow. Just get out and support your brothers. If this is your choice, expect to be on the go the entire time! No coupons needed here. LFG!

The Friday Site Q, Sun Devil, is a pro. He reached out to be Thursday afternoon to see if I needed anything and I gave him the plan. I appreciate that.

A little snow was in the forecast so I wanted to get to the AO a little early to scout the area and make sure that the route was good to go. I showed up about 445 and went for mosey. Some snow covered areas and nice clean parking garage. We were ready to light this thing up.

I return to the flag location and Blinky was the only person there at 5:11. Damn, this is a late arriving group. The rest of the crew made it right about start time. We were off.



Tappy Taps in cadence x 10

Hill Billies in cadence x 10

Ty Fighters in cadence x 10 (arms front and back)

Motivators from 7.

The Thang

Thang 1:

Indian Run down to the parking garage on Downer and all the way up to the 4th floor. We were not separating. This crew was locked and loaded and got the job done together.

Thang 2:

Partner 1: Run up the ramp and perform Double Merkin Burpees (5),

Partner 2: Side Straddle Hops until partner 1 returns.

Then partner one goes again and performs 4 Double Merkin Burpees. This continued until we reached 1 Merkin Burpee.

Thang 3:

Bearbees (one burpee, 4 count bearcrawl) – performed up the ramp and then run back. We added one burpee on the second time up and one more the third time up (3 burpees, 4 count bearcrawl). It was starting to get hot and PAX were taking off layers of clothing.

Thang 4:

Partner 1: Run up the ramp and then perform Burpee Squats. 5 burpees and 3 squats (squats stay the same). run back down to relieve partner 2.

Partner 2: Mountain climbers until partner 1 returns.

We did this until we ran out of time. Instructions could have been a little clearer. I’ll have to give this one some more thought.

Thang 5:

Indian Run back to the flag. We were not separating. This crew was locked and loaded and got the job done together. Special shoutout to Start Up who busted through the final stretch! Inspiring brother!


Flutter Kicks in cadence x 20

Boxcutters in cadence x 15

American Hammers in cadence x 20

Plank until 6:00am

Circle of Trust

We lifted up prayers for the people of Ukraine, people around the world that are dealing with difficult issues, Snowden and family, ACL, the people in Russia and world leaders.

Naked Man Moleskin

Live a life of no regrets. I’m an old man compared to many of you. There are things that I look back on now and wish I would have done when I was your age. I have a new mindset. I’m not too old to identify some things I would like to accomplish. Run a marathon, maybe further, maybe get faster. I don’t want to be old and wish I would have done it. I want to do it. I don’t want to reach the end of the day and wish that I went harder than I did. Get out there and get after it!

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