08/13/2020 - The Ridge - Burpees and Hill Sprints and Big Boys, Oh My

AO: The Ridge

When: 08/13/2020


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Bailout, Blowout, Boston Butt, Breakaway, Gopher, Hackman, Happy Camper, Jimmy Neutron, joe dirt, Marshawn, Penalty Box, Second Best, Short Sale,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Joystick

QIC: Den Mother


There were 3 events all happening at the same time at the Ridge this morning; Dilly Dilly led Black Diamond, Twilight led a M*A*S*H Unit, and I led a Boot Camp beatdown. It was a bit overwhelming to me at first, but everything went off smoothly.


– SSH x 25 (IC)
– Good Mornings x 12 (IC)
– Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)
– Arm Circles x 10 (IC)
– Mosey to bottom of the hill

The Thang

Thang 1 – Stairway to 11

11’s with Bodybuilders (8 count burpees) and Big Boys

10 Bodybuilders
Sprint up the hill
1 Big Boy
Sprint down the hill

Thang 2 – Dora-cides

Partner Up
100 Merkins/200 Big Boys/300 Squats

Partner 1 does the exercise; Partner 2 runs suicides
– sprint to cone 1 (25 ft), do 1 burpee, sprint back
– sprint to cone 2 (50 ft), do 2 burpees, sprint back
– sprint to cone 3 (75 ft), do 3 burpees, sprint back
– switch with partner


– V-Up sit up x 12 (IC)
– Freddie Mercury 15 (IC)
– Hold plank until 6:00

Circle of Trust

Count-o-rama: 20 (with the 5 from Twilight’s M*A*S*H Unit)

Announcements: get on slack, Grow Ruck, Cross-Region Triathlon this Saturday, Convergence, Iron Pax

Naming of our FNG: Joystick


For those of you who were out in the gloom with us Monday, you heard my brother Blow Out talk about getting up every morning and challenging yourself; be better than you were the day before. Those thoughts resonated with me and I thought I would expand on them a bit. There is a great quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson in which he said, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” I love that statement because it reminds us that we ultimately choose our outcome. Think about the things that matter most to you in your life; your family, your career, your health, whatever they may be. What are you doing to ensure you are in charge of your own destiny in all those facets? How are you making yourself better?

Prayers for Ray Banks and Happy Camper’s co-worker’s son

Naked Man Moleskin

I appreciate Boston Butt taking on the Site Q duties this morning (that should have been mine) and having my 6. It really helped that he was able to support the FNG which allowed me to focus on leading the beatdownn.