09/28/2022 - La Luz - Burpees for Breakfast -La Luz

AO: La Luz

When: 09/28/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Road Trip


Join me for a stroll into town , you know star gazing and such with a touch of burpees. Tag a buddy and drop your HC!


Welcome to F3 we’re at La Luz for a Bootcamp my name is Road Trip!

5 Core Principles


Head Count , 11

Lesss Get ittt 🙂

BC went something like this, may differ ITG!



The first exercise is The Burpee 20-IC

Geeeshhh that escalated

The next exercise is SSH 20-IC

The last exercise is The Burpee 5-IC

which concludes warm ups lol

Let’s gather up and get ready to roll!


The Thang

Form two line facing the river we’ll mosey into town.

Please be alert! When ever I say HAULT we will all do 5 Burpees OYO.

Let’s mosey and stay tight! We make it to the trail and head south towards downtown.

We don’t make it very far into the trail HAULT , LFG! 5 Burpees

Hold Squat for the 6. DONE

Line it back up , two lines stay tight!

We continue south on the path and make it to and underpass , it’s a little bridge.

The next exercise is ROWS on my down, ass to the grass please gentlemen.

Rows ~25 On my down. Done.

We walk to the end of the bridge and form two lines. This part of the path has an incline ,oooo I like it!

I cue 3 light poles, each about ~15 yards apart. Bear crawl to each pole and do Burpees in increments of 5. 5 at the first pole. Bear crawl to next do 10 burpees and so forth.

This was hard lol I heard someone say they should have stuck to IPC lol anyways a few pax finish early.

While we wait we hydrate!

Squat Jump on my up until the 6 is in. We get to ~15

We all reach the last pole, which is just close to Downer Street.

Form two lines and keep it tight! We mosey not too far and HAULT! lol 5 Burpees.

My shoe lace gets undone so we stop and use that as a ten second count. TIED! LESSS GOO

We mosey to the Millennium Plaza and circle up under the gazebo.

The next exercise is the Burpee 10 OYO.

The next exercise is Squat Jump 15-on my up

We do a few more burpees then head towards the bench for Step Ups 20-on my up.

Form two lines facing the stairs!

Bear crawl all the way up to the street and hold squat for the 6. DONE!

Back in Lines gentlemen! Let’s mosey

We continue towards Copley Theater and find a nice fountain that declines with some steps inward. Ohh ok I think this is great. Square up around the fountain! GO mf’s GO!! Some took longer then normal to square up around it. Maybe thought hydro burpees where up next lol but no we had enough of those last week at La Luz. PAX get a relief once I say Merkins on my down lol.

3 steps down lead into the fountain.

Dirkins 20 at each step. We get closer to the water each time , mist feels great btw.

Now once at the closest step to the water dirkins back up 20 each step.

Holy crap that really gassed me. So I’m like f##kk lol I play it off and tell the pax to take a few steps back for some more Burpees 5-OYO.

Followed by Squat Jumps 15

We then meet at the steps again! Let’s try this again but maybe just 5 reps at each step lol

1 step, 2 step then 3rd. 5 dirkins at each step and back up.

I think to myself yaa gueyyy ( Spanish saying for that’s enough) I think I’ve had enough let’s leave lol.

Form two lines let’s mosey back to the flags. We again don’t travel too far HAULT 5 Burpees GO!

We continue the mosey and find a nice place for Irkins and give it a go! Irkins 20-on my up. Take ne step back and do 5 Burpees.

We line back up and head to the flags.


The first exercise is The Burpee 20-IC

The next exercise is American Hammer 20-IC

The last exercise is Leg Lifts 20-IC.

Star Gazing.

6:01 Recover recover!

Head count ,11 all in. DONE.


Circle of Trust

I seen the post that Wide Right put in the 1st F channel and thought man that was a great message. I simply want to remind you to make your time worth waking up for. We all wake up pretty early not not all at least .5% or that 1% better. Make your time count for you! If you’re not accelerating you are decelerating. Maintaining isn’t even good enough anymore because that brings us back into that comfort zone. That feeling that we all get that tells us man this is enough for today I’m good here. So why wake up early for that? I’m not saying expect major gains fast but incremental gains over time with just that .5%-1% you give each morning. Let’s get better and give what we can when we can even if that 1% don’t feel like a lot, it is.

Prayers for a number of pax and everyone to stay safe.

Naked Man Moleskin

Major shout out to Heavy Bag! Been putting in work after like a year of not posting. Happy to see Chunky Monkey again as well. We all went for some shakes after.

Also to those new faces that don’t visit La Luz as often it’s great to get that mix in! La Luz appreciates all the leaders that come and help the PAX here grow.  We’re doing our best to encourage consistency to keep La Luz strong.

Until next time , Road Trip.

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