12/13/2022 - Iron Lion - Camp subs for Wine-O

AO: Iron Lion

When: 12/13/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mellencamp


This one would’ve been another solid Q from our very own WIAB.  But YHC decided to pick this one up so I’ll try and replicate what I think Wine-O would’ve done in my opinion


SSH to 15 in cadence

Abe Vigodas to 10 in cadence

Michael Phelps to 10 in cadence

Imperial walkers to 10 in cadence

The Thang

I love circuit workouts so that is what we did.  But, with SCROOGED going on, I allowed PAX to go at their own pace depending on how much running they wanted to do.

Reps started at 10 and we counted down to 9,8,7,6, and so on. Exercises were as follows:



-Skull Crushers

-Goblet squats with coupon

-25 jump ropes (constant)

Mosey in the parking lot (added up overall to about 2.1 miles according to Speaker City)



We got through the circuit quicker than I thought.  So, we then did 50 jump ropes in cadence, followed by duck walks (in honor of Rain Man :)).

Finished with MARY:

-American Hammers in cadence to 20

-Big boys to 30

-Flutter kicks in cadence to 15

-Ring of 5 (5 merkins around the circle).  Any style.  Cable guy did perfect hand release merks 🙂

Last 2 minutes was stretching and star gazer if preferred.

Circle of Trust

Today I talked mostly about the upcoming holiday.  Being thankful for your blessings and remembering Christmas is more about giving, than receiving.  This year our family is not doing presents (outside of the little ones) and this has allowed me to focus on thinking of others and cherishing the real meaning of teh holiday and the importance of family/loved ones.


Thanks for coming out men!

Naked Man Moleskin

Great to see Mortimer this morning (RESPECT).  This group seemed like a list of WIAB regulars, we were just missing the Qing machine himself due to travel.  I’m sure we’ll have him back at the lion soon!  Thanks for letting me slip in the Q schedule WIAB.  Be sure to pick up on your Hercules schedule soon.

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