09/07/2022 - Iron Lion - Care Bear Squared – IPC Wk 1

AO: Iron Lion

When: 09/07/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names:

QIC: Cousin Eddie


Pre Blast:  Iron Pax Challenge Week 1 Preblast: IRON LION 5AM Wednesday September 7, 2022

45 minutes AMRAP called Care Bear Squared. Watch the video. Be prepared. Park at the far end pass the playground. HC in the thread

The Scene:  Since I knew the sprinklers will still be going off at the main football field, I thought it best to set up at the practice football field behind the baseball diamonds.  YHC printed out instructions and attached them to each cone.  The gloom was out in full force and we didn’t see a temporary fence put up blocking us from the main practice field.  So Speaker City and YHC pivoted and set up a 25 yard square closer to the parking lot but still in a field that was only wet from the morning dew.

Welcome & Disclaimer

F3 has 5 core principles:  1. Free 2. Open to ALL men 3. Peer led in a rotating fashion 4. Held outdoors rain or shine, heat or cold 5. Ends in a Circle of Trust

I am not a professional.  You are here of your own free will.  I have no knowledge of any injuries or fitness considerations. It is your responsibility to be safe and modify exercises as needed.

In cadence (IC) is the rhythm in between each rep or the body movement between each rep.

Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.


Monkey Humpers – IC (4 count) x 20

Grady Corns – IC (4count) x 20

Imperial Walkers – IC (4 count) x 20

The Thang



AMRAP for 45 minutes


Make a 25 yard square

Starting at cone 1 and bearcrawl to cone 2 and perform 25 air squats.

After the squats, bearcrawl to the left to cone 3 and perform 25 merkins.

After the merkins, reverse bearcrawl to cone 4 and perform 25 big boy sit-ups.

After the big boy situps, bearcrawl to the right to cone 1 and perform 25 burpees.


Modified Version of Care Bear Squared

Change the reps of the exercises to 15 or 20

Always front bearcrawl between the cones

Use other modes of transportation between cones:


Side Shuffle



Lunge walk

Normal merkin modifications

Modify big boy sit-ups for LBCs or other ab exercise

Modify burpees to flying squirrels


Total reps for 45 minutes of the exercises

Each complete trip is 100 reps

Yours truly didn’t have to modify this one and managed 350 total reps.  A few made it past 400 reps and it was a good burn for 45 minutes.


Various stretches

Circle of Trust


Speaker City talked about all the 5 year anniversary stuff.

Count-o-rama:  7

Name – o – rama:  Cousin Eddie, Mr. Nice Guy, Sputnik, Webelos, Speaker City, Curious George (FNG), Mellencamp


Hot Box

YHC’s laundry list of stuff…

Naked Man Moleskin

I was struggling last night to come up with something profound to share today.  I paged through Selected Quotations of Paulo Coelho called Life and another book called the Little Book of Prayers.  I think the only takeaway I have to share is to find time to just be quiet.  However little or long you can, meditate on your problems and decide on asking for help or just stop procrastinating on it.


Cousin Eddie

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