03/24/2022 - The Citadel - Citadel RC and the Carolina Reaper Challenge for the 3rd time and Happy Birthday Valentina!!!

AO: The Citadel

When: 03/24/2022


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pork Rinds


I decided to pick up this Q Wednesday after noticing that it still wasn’t claimed.  Parks & Rec mentioned it after RC at The Outpost on Tuesday and I figured it needed to be filled and I would go ahead and bring back The Carolina Reaper Challenge version for The Citadel.


Abe Vigodas x 15

Tappy Taps (really slow) x 10

High Knees x 15

SSH x 15

Mosey to starting line for the Thang

The Thang

PAX did a 2 minute OYO stretch while I explained the Thang we were going to do and the origin of where it came from.  For a more detailed explanation of The Carolina Reaper Challenge, find my past BackBlasts from 7/30/2020 (first time doing this) and 10/29/2020 (second time).

We were going to run 2 laps around the parking lot using the lighted cones based on each PAX’s mile time.  Far cone was for sub 9 minute miles, second cone was for 9:00 – 11:00 minute mile time and the closet cone was for any 11+ minute mile PAX.

Timer was set for 4min 45 seconds. PAX were instructed to run their loops and if they finished before the 4:45, any extra time was to rest before the next timer went off.  Once timer went off we ran another 2 loops in under 4:45 and so on until time for Mary.

We completed 7 rounds of time for approx. 3.5 miles of running for those using the far cones, less for those using the shorter distance cones.

Based on the weather (rain), it was going to be extremely difficult to keep track of our times on the pavement therefore there were not going to be any penalties for not staying consistent with your pace per loops.  I assume there would have been penalty burpees handed out this morning but maybe I’m wrong??

Circle of Trust

Announcements were given by Iced Tea.

Count-o-Rama was completed.

Name-o-Rama was completed as well.

Prayers were said for Iced Tea’s friend Jeff, Rusty’s brother and for Kinley, Urkel’s daughter who went through surgery on Wednesday.

Naked Man Moleskin

Thankful for the PAX that attended today’s RC at The Citadel in the weather!!  Great to see different PAX attend this one and go through it for the first time.  Toady and Handy Manny are repeat customers for this one!

After noticing the Q spot was still open, I asked my M for her blessing to attend and lead since it is her Birthday today.  She said go for it since while I was at RC, she would be getting ready for work and unless I had some elaborate plan for her in the morning it wouldn’t cause an issue!

My M’s name is Debbie.  Her F3 name is Valentina (Mexican hot sauce).  Toasted Coconut came up with her name out of the blue one day as he was sitting and eating pork rinds with some Valentina hot sauce.  He sent me a picture and asked if my M had a name yet.  I said she had not and from that point on she has been Valentina.

This Q today is dedicated to my M for her Birthday.  The running we did today was a variation of a running challenge we did with her cousin a few years ago.  See those past BackBlasts for complete details.

My M is my rock! She is my world! She does so much for not only myself but the whole family.  She is the bread winner, the scheduler, the chauffeur, the financial planner and accountant, the meal planner and prepper, the medical professional of the house when it comes to my 2.0’s diabetes. She is smart and beautiful, kind and compassionate, loving and understanding but most importantly she is my best friend and someone I couldn’t imagine going through life without.  I really don’t know where in life I would be without her guidance early on in our relationship and I know I have become a better man having her by my side all these years!

Happy Birthday Valentina!!


Until next time,

Pork Rinds


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