06/06/2020 - Dark Tower - Dark Tower Boot Camp

AO: Dark Tower

When: 06/06/2020


Number of Pax: 22

Pax Names: Appletini, atat, Bjorn, Blart, Cannoli, Captain Underpants, Cousin Eddie, Crabgrass, Curds, FIB, Hootie, House Arrest, Mayhem, Onions, Powderpuff, Quarter Cart, RoachCoach, TBD, Trailer Park, Twilight,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 22

FNG Names: 3 Putt, Gameboy

QIC: Captain Underpants


Been a few weeks since YHC had a Dark Tower fix.  Last time Cap Q’d here was an “unofficial” one, so there was excitement in the air (well, at least for me there was).




After a 1-2 count-off to designate two groups we did

A mosey around the tower

Motivators x 7

Arm Circles x 10 fwd / x 10 backward

Tappy Taps x 10

Imperial Walkers x 15


For Thang One, TBD took his group to the tower.  I took my group to the outdoor theater.

The Thang


Aiken Legs

20 Squats

20 Box Jumps

20 Lunges (10 ea leg)

20 Bonnie Blairs (Aiken Legs calls for Split Jacks –but that seemed too easy)

Rinse & Repeat 4X


Colonel Trautman  (Partner Up)

P1 Does 3 Good Pull-Ups

P2 Does 1 “Perfect” Merkins or 5 Fingertip Merkins

Rinse & Repeat 5X


Jacobs Ladder

With 2 groups on opposite sides of the hill we started at the base doing

25 SSH then ascended the hill 10 x  (instead of 7) One Burpee at the top, then return to base.

Add one burpee each time at the top all the way to 10

25 SSH each time at the base.


Suicide Sprints


Circle of Trust

Was a great turnout & great seeing some of the DT regulars.

Prayers for our brother Miyagi & Blowfish –may they both recover quickly.  Help us all to stay safe & keep our distance so we can keep doing what we do.

Naked Man Moleskin

Shit got interesting while PAX were doing the sprints and a TBD fanboy wandered onto the scene!

He even made an appearance at Coffeteria!   Can’t wait to find out if he posts on Wednesday.




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