04/08/2021 - Two Wolves - Day 4 of the OCR training. A rainy Thursday for my AOVQ

AO: Two Wolves

When: 04/08/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Bartles & Jaymes, Cousin Eddie, Enron, Lewinsky, Mellencamp, Riunite, Snorkle,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: CK

QIC: Wine in A Box


Please add CK to the website and directory.

Gawd dang rain  . . .

OCRs are held outside rain or shine . . . but a lot of the cool obstacle stuff at Two Wolves is NOT made to be used in the rain and is slippery as hell. Soooooo MODIFY.

I was grumpy because of the rain screwing up my plans . . . so I took it out on the PAX during the workout when I designed it. Cousin Eddie was mumblechatting up a stooooorm.

First Q in awhile NOT using big boy coupons. WTF. Who am I  . . . .

I am happy there were stairs . . . something I dont get to play with enough at other AOs

Started to move the picnic tables . . . but they are bolted down. Well what the shit . . .. sigh. Modify again.


You get one guess.

If you are wrong, then you have to run next to and talk to nacho libre the entire time at the next run club.

May the odds be ever in your favor . . . .

The Thang

Quick mosey around the parking lot to get the blood pumping . . . then.

Thang 1

25 pound Sandbag stair  run DORA

  • Partner 1. carry sandbag from under the pavilion and run to the first landing on the stairs, then turn back. Switch with partner who does the same. Then second landing, third landing, top of the stairs.
  • Partner at the pavilion was doing burpees. F’ing burpees.

Run to ninja course.

  • Each PAX does 5 pull ups, with spotter if needed
  • Monkey bars (incredibly slippery.)
  • over the cargo net
  • High knees through ropes x 2
  • do the under/over bars, twice.

Back to Pavilion

  • Coupon super sets
  • With feet wedged under picnic table
  • 10 coupon on chest big boy sit ups
  • 10 chest press
  • 10 lat pull overs
  • do this circuit three times continuously.

Then lets climb the rope. Roughly 18 feet high. It was tough today . . . but snorkle made it look EASY.

Starting at one end of the picnic tables, run to the closest picnic table, plant your foot and cut, going around. Zig zag all the way through the picnic tables and wait for the 6. Then repeat going back.

1 X4



One single arm row each arm, then bent over rows. Ascending to 3X12 then move to next exercise


Skull crushers and chest presses. Ascending to 3X12.


Curl to overhead presses. Ascending to 3X12

25 “sit down” squats with coupon


  • Started with high plank, then do a merkin everytime you hear “Thunder”
  • 2/3rd way through had to switch to holding Al Gore, then squat jump when you hear “thunder”.



Circle of Trust

CoT was about adjusting to conditions. in an OCR you cant “train to the test”, but you can do exercises and movements that will help you tremendously when you are on a course. Last fall Riunite was manning a station where you had to drag a 50 pound concrete plug around a mud pit. Since we do CSAUP stuff like that all the time, we could do that easily, while other competitors had a harder time. Just doing f-3 workouts on a regular basis makes you infinitely qualified to participate in one . . . so sign up! Cousin Eddie made a great point about adjusting for the rain today, because it could rain at Frontline. (of course those obstacles arent made out of slippery metal and plastic like today . .  but I digress). So our training when its wet, and cold, and in bad weather REALLY makes us prepared for whatever OCRs can throw at us.


Our Father

Naked Man Moleskin

A lot of grumbling and mumblechatter today . . . mainly by me trying to get my breath. The inability to do some of the stuff I had planned ticked me off . . . but hey. . . . thats life. Despite the crappy conditions, it was a great time with a great group of PAX.

No issue with following directions. Of course, there were no cones either.

I was hoping to see some more west siders . . where is everyone?

Props to Mellencamp, Riunite and Cousin Eddie for making the drive from the east side to completely the AO “safari”.

First time ive posted with CK, great to meet you!

Snorkle is a beast. Destroyed the rope climb with ease.

Riunite and Bartles and Jaymes did everything with weighted vests. NEXT LEVEL. I took mine off when it nailed me in the back of the head. I need to adjust it.

Entron came screaming in hot . . . and im glad he did. Great posting with you!

Shirley Temple destroyed the ascending monkey bars. Just pure brute strength.

This was probably boring for lewinsky based on his destruction of the Flatline OCR training we did a week ago. . . .  😉


Great effort all around today, and thanks for coming out in the crappy rain.

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