08/18/2020 - The Ridge - Diamonds to Barb

AO: The Ridge

When: 08/18/2020


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: 5-Putt, Beat Box, bedpan, Boston Butt, Caveman, Fargo, Jimmy Neutron, joe dirt, Onesie, Penalty Box, Second Best, Sheldon, Tourniquet, Unlucky, Woody, Z Pak,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Up Chuck


We have ignored the ugly sister, Barb,  long enough, so we had to present some diamonds to her in order to let us continue to see the hot one, Mary.  Showed up early to get cones in the field…  then Siri reminded me that sunrise isn’t until later.  Back to the parking lot we go to get this beat down started.


Tappy Taps, good mornings, side straddle hops, arm circles, short Indian run.

The Thang

Created two “7 of Diamonds” circuits geared to hit both lower and upper body. PAX will go thru the circuit doing 7 of each exercise, then 14, 21, and 28.

Lower Body circuit: Hydraulic Squats, Bobby Hurly’s, Bonny Blairs, speed skaters. PAX will travel to each corner of the diamond by Broad Jumps and side shuffles.

Upper Body Circuit: Hand-Release Merkins, burpees, Grady Corns, and Big Boys. PAX will travel to each corner of diamond by sprints and alligator crawls.

Intro to Barb
Instead of a traditional “Mary”, we focused on back muscles, I’m calling it Barb:

Exercises: Supermans, Black Widows, Angels and Devils. Ended right at 6am.

Circle of Trust

Had someone remind me of the quote by Zig Ziglar “what you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you BECOME while achieving your goals.”  It was a good reminder that it’s not about the destination, but the journey.  As we all have goals within F3 to get healthier, don’t waste the opportunity throughout this journey to network, try something new, get more comfortable in the uncomfortable. Become a better you- whether that is a better father, husband, friend, coach, leader, etc.  By coming this early in the morning to work towards your goal, you create opportunity and time throughout the day to sharpen the saw in other areas in life.   BECOME the father, husband and leader you want to be.  Don’t waste that time. It’s all part of the journey.

Naked Man Moleskin

Lord- thank you for this day and beautiful morning to get out here to sharpen the saw and work to BECOME better leaders in our families and community.  We pray for your blessings onto Vern, and those not spoken but we are holding in our hearts. Amen.

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