08/30/2022 - La Luz - :f3: Preblast La Luz BC :f3:

AO: La Luz

When: 08/30/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Laimbeer





Good mornings IC 20

shoulder circles IC 20

Michael Phelps IC 20

Interior shoulder stretch QC to up dog to down dog.

The Thang

Thang 1-

2 mile “Coupons on a string” as Wedding Planner likes to call it.  Coupon mosey for lap around the Fox River. with pearl on a string stations alternating chest and back exercises along  the way. Let’s go!



Reverse Merkin ring of fire. Reverse back row ring of fire. Big boys. LBC’s. Recover Recover.

Circle of Trust

I was in DC for work last week and one of the quotes of at the MLK memorial struck me the most…

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – MLK 1963

Reflect on that and absorb that into your life as you will.


We prayed for some of our F3 brothers close family and friends today that are dealing with this exact topic.  We asked for the strength and patience that their families  needed to see them through these times. Amen.

Naked Man Moleskin

Redfin and Wedding Planner are beasts.  It was neck and neck the whole way for who moved the fasts with a coupon on his shoulder.  If it wasn’t for Redfin pulling away at the flags, it would of been a dead heat.

Being at DC workouts lead me to appreciate Naperville even more.  Yes the comradery was there during the workout.  But the actual 1F was easy IMO.  Then there was no 2F.  Everyone just took off after.  Chatted in the parking lot at the end for a few minutes and then went home to get ready for work.

What is going on in Naperville and the region that has been built by Naperville is something truly special.  The ethic, morals, the 2F of our region is unrivaled.

F3 Naperville! Aye!

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