04/29/2022 - The Outpost - Feel Good Friday
AO: The Outpost
When: 04/29/2022
Number of Pax: 16
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Snoop-a-Loop
Join me for a full body that will take us to areas some of our newer PAX may not have seen at the OG AO. Bring your coupon and be ready to throw some weight up and move around. We will stick together and put ourselves into a calorie deficit heading into the weekend!
. Let’s light this torch.
-Welcome + Mission + Credo + 5 principles
-Disclaimer + Count + Description
-Side Straddle Hops in cadence (IC) x20
-Abe Vigodas IC x15
-Hillbillies IC x15
Butt-kickers to end of lot
-Seal Claps IC x14
-Squats, on my down (OMD) x20
-Merkins, OMD x15
Karaoke back to flags – switch facing direction halfway down
-Prisoner Squats OMD x15
-Plank Jacks IC x15
-3 Blockees OYO – move coupons to flag curb
Count off by 2s, mosey to end of lot
The Thang
Thang 1
2 lines: Indian Run to pavilion by basketball courts
-Partner up at pavilion for Partner Dora:
-100 Picnic Table Presses
-200 Dips
–300 100 Squats
While not repping, partner runs a lap around near basketball court & back
Mosey to amphitheater
-2 minute EMOM with 3 exercise rotations:
-Exercise 1: 10 Derkins, 10 Box Jumps, rinse and repeat (R&R) for 2 min
-Exercise 2: 10 Irkins, 10 Step-ups, R&R for 2 min
–Exercise 3: 10 Dips, 10 Bonnie Blairs, R&R for 2 min
Thang 2
Mosey back to pavilion, the grab weighted medicine ball and form 2 lines.
-Rugby Indian Mosey tossing weighted ball diagonal/back to main lot (no drops/penalties!)
-Ring of Fire by Flags:
-3 Shoulder Presses, holding coupon above head while not pressing until everyone has gone
-3 Coupon Curls, holding coupon at 90 degrees when not curling until everyone has gone
Form 2 lines in lot and grab footballs; run/throw 10 yard out patterns until 6:00
Circle of Trust
A good IG follow to help balance out some of the ‘not so wholesome’ content out there is The Daily Stoic. Here’s a recent post that resonated: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc0f7OVOFSp/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
“If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.” Seneca
Caption: Set a course and go forth with courage, temperance, justice, and wisdom. In a world where so many people seek out empty goals and follow false promises to get what they want, the Stoic virtues are a perfect reminder that you can have everything you want if you just make the effort to take the road that leads through virtue.
I often times get mixed up about things I should do in support of mental health. I’ve been told a lot that I should try to ‘remain present’ and not ‘worry about the future’ so much as ‘what is meant to be will happen.’ I think there is merit to being present (especially around family/friends/colleagues), but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to have a plan and know where you’re going – as this Seneca quote suggests. Having a forward plan and destination in mind can help put other parts of your mind and enable you to deal with headwinds more effectively.
Prayer requests: Tailspin’s Step Mom Elizabeth, as she just passed away this morning
Naked Man Moleskin
This was my last scheduled “Feel Good Friday” Q at the OP for a while, as I have the honor of taking over as Friday Site Q from my Cleveland brethren Elway. There’s something special about Friday morning workouts, as you can slide into your weekend with a sense of accomplishment and know that you helped offset any calorie consumption that will undoubtedly occur in the next 2-3 days.
The group got after it today, and we did a bit more moseying than usual – to get to our Thang spots. I was not close to 100% thanks to the prior day’s activities on the golf course, but a voice in my head was saying ‘you reap what you sow’ and ‘suck it up butter cup’ … that may have been one of the PAX actually saying it, but either way I was just focusing on keeping the merlot at bay as we went.
We have had some great additions join the Outpost as their home AO recently, and I look forward to helping spur additional growth / retention in the year ahead.
Until next time!