06/06/2022 - The Outpost - Fitness Court at OP
AO: The Outpost
When: 06/06/2022
Number of Pax: 17
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Tomorrow marks the return of Metallica Monday
at The Outpost! Join me at 5:15 and we will make sure we get the week started off right. Bring those coupons and be ready to rock and roll!
You may wanna sharpen your Metallica song knowledge for this one @channel. SYITG.
Got to the AO around 5am. Planted the flag, fist bump the PAX as they rolled in. It is Metallica Monday, so The Ecstasy of Gold was playing before the start of WoR. Five Core Principles, Disclaimer, Mission Statement, and Credo were all recited. Let’s get warm.
During Warm-up and throughout the entire workout, each time a new Metallica song started, PAX had to guess the name of the song and the album it was from. Each incorrect guess was 5 penalty burpees for a total of 10 potential burpees per song … 8 songs on the playlist meant a potential for 80 penalty burpees throughout the beatdown … lets play!
SSH x 10
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Arm Circles Forward IC x 10
Arm Circles Reverse IC x 10
Ring of Fire OH Press x 3 each
Rugby Run (with 15lb Slamball) to NW side of the AO where the new Fitness Court is located!
The Thang
Thang 1 – Fitness Court Tabata
YHC explained 17 difference exercises that would be done in rotation. Each PAX would spend 40 seconds at each ‘station’ with 10 seconds to transition to the next station.
- Plank
- Big Boys
- Slam Ball Toss
- Box Jumps
- Squats
- Lunges
- Irkins
- Suspended Merkins
- Pull-ups
- Inverted Row
- Dot Jumps
- Ladder Drill
- Back Extension
- Dirkins
- Run around the Court
- Dips
- Bear Crawl around the Court
Rugby Run (with 15lb Slamball) back to flags.
Thang 2 – Coupon Work
2 Curls, 2 Skull Crushers, 10 Coupon Chest Press
3 Curls, 3 Skull Crushers, 10 Coupon Chest Press
4… etc until…
10 Curls, 10 Skull Crushers, 10 Coupon Chest Press.
(I tried to keep the pace up on these…I think I accomplished that.)
LBCs IC x 10
American Hammers IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Flutter Kicks IC x 10
LBC’s IC x 10
Boat/Canoe until 0600.
Recover Recover!
We ended up with 15 penalty burpees throughout the workout. PAX should be very grateful that Chachki and Shandy were in attendance. They nailed every song except for the ones that I told them they had to sit out! Had they not been there… we would have definitely been in the 70-80 range for burpees! I guess next time I will have to go even deeper into the catalog!
Circle of Trust
Count-a-rama – 17
Announcements – Thanks Crop Duster!
Name-o-Rama – 2 Hand Touch, Leuben, Shandy, Chachki, Crab Legs, Ken Doll, One Eye Willy, Ringworm, Powderpuff, SpiritFingers, Snorkel, White Rabbit, Body Glide, Singlet, Donkey, Crop Duster, Bean Counter
I tried to make a somewhat long story short. I told PAX of an encounter I had with some police yesterday after my flag football game. There was an altercation on the sidelines after play was blown dead. It resulted in a player from our team being thrown out (my brother, actually). He ended up getting into a verbal altercation with the ref. The refs got together and decided enough was enough and they called our game about halfway through the first half. As we were walking into the parking lot, about four cop cars pull up. I guess the refs decided to call the police because they felt ‘threatened’.
Fast forward through some discussions between the cops and the players and it all got resolved. However, this entire time, a cop was pulled up behind where my M’s car was parked and had her (and my 2 2.0’s) blocked in. While I found this extremely annoying, I realized I was at a bit of a crossroads. In the past, I may have been thinking “F the police” … just the way I kind of grew up. I realized though, that my kids still look up to the police and all other emergency personal. I want it to stay this way. I want them to value what the police do for us. They are there to protect us and we can trust them. So before the cop finally decided to get into his car and leave, I asked him if he could say hi to my two boys sitting in the backseat. He was great about it. He walked over, gave them both fist bumps, and talked to them about their day and what sports they like. I could see the looks of concern from my boys melt away and suddenly they felt like it was a ‘cool’ thing to be able to talk to a real police officer in person. When he was done, we shook hands and went on with the rest of our day.
Why I bring this up? The saying goes that we should be the change that we want to be. While I could of (and partially wanted to have) said how ignorant the situation was and how it was annoying that my wife and kids were freaked out in the parking lot, I decided to use it as a way to show my boys that things were actually ok. I firmly believe it had an impact on them. If I can preserve their mindset towards respecting authority and police officers, maybe one day they will do the same for their kids and so on going forward. Be the change…
Naked Man Moleskin
I knew I HAD to get out to that Fitness Court today. I knew it would be challenge with what was shaping up to be a good-sized group. We were probably 2 or so PAX away from the whole idea having to be scrapped. I am glad it worked out though. With a smaller group, we could have definitely hit some of the exercises a little harder, but I hope PAX enjoyed a bit of an ‘intro’ to the fitness court. A lot of cool possibilities for all fitness levels there.
Always a pleasure leading, especially at The OP! – BC