03/02/2021 - The Launch Pad - Getting Up For Easy

AO: The Launch Pad

When: 03/02/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Blueprints, Cousin Eddie, Cupcake, Flush, Mia Hamm, Radio Flyer,

DR Names: 0

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Flush


Circle Up

-Disclaimer: F3 is #1 FREE, #2 open to all men, #3 peer-led in a rotating fashion, #4 held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold, and #5 we always end in a circle of trust.  I am not a professional. I am not aware of any injuries you may have – MODIFY as necessary – push yourself, but do not hurt yourself.


Still a chilly 17 degrees, no wind. Not light enough yet. Great being on the Astroturf.


Mosey lap around the Astroturf.

SSH IC (count to 30)

Tempo Merkins IC (Merkin, in cadence, with 3 count down, 1 count up) (count to 10)

Tempo Squats IC (Squat, in cadence, with 3 count down, 1 count up) (count to 10)

Quad Stretches – hold quad in place – count to 10 each leg

Hamstring Stretches (lean down and stretch with one leg over the other, switch, and then legs together)

Roll ankle stretch, first right, then left

Neck Rolls, first one direction, then the other

Pigeon Stretch, first left leg, then right leg holding the position for each one for about 45 seconds total.

The Thang

Thang 1

A Tale of Two Marches

“Big Boy March” 

Starting at one end, mosey to 10 yards line, 15 Big Boy Sit Ups at each 10 yd. line (total of 150), mosey in between. Plank for the Six. 10 count recovery.

“Merkin March”

Starting at the other end, Bernie Sanders to 10 yards line, 10 Merkins  at each 10 yd. line (total of 100), Bernie Sanders in between. Plank for the Six. 10 count recovery.


Thang 2

11’s – Shoulder Taps at one cone (L + R = 1), Mountain Climbers (L + R + L = 1) at the other cone 

Start with 10 Shoulder Taps, Run to the Cone

1 Mountain Climber, Run Back.


Thang 3

7 of Diamonds at 4 cones.

Round 1: Air Squats (7, 14, 21, 28)

Round 2: Flutter Kicks (7, 14, 21, 28) – each leg counts as 1/2

Round 3: LBCs (7, 14, 21, 28)



-Alphabet with feet

-Stargazers for 9 seconds.

Finish at 0600.

Circle of Trust

The theme for this morning’s COT was all about thinking creatively and challenging each other to grow Launchpad. It’s a great AO, the Astroturf is magnificient (we didn’t leave it the entire time) and it could really take off if we found ways to tap into the surround neighborhoods. I challenged all of the PAX to think more about this and find ways to get some heightened visibility to draw in men that need F3.

Naked Man Moleskin

Loved seeing Blueprints travel up to Launchpad even if he didn’t like the music queued up for today.

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