09/18/2020 - CSAUP - GrowRuck21 Training: Night Ruck


When: 09/18/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Baby Hands, Bartles & Jaymes, Bed pan, Dilly Dilly, Face Plant, Flush, Goldberg, hot box, Parks and Rec, Riunite,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Uncle Rico


Startex: Fri 9/18 2000 @ “Outpost AO” (map will be provided here in this thread Friday)
Endex: Sat 9/19 between 0100-0230 @ “Outpost AO”
  • Rucksack w/ 30# weight
  • FULL hydration bladder
  • Nalgene (or other bottle) for electrolytes/aminos
  • ID
  • $20
  • Headlamp
  • Gloves
  • Bitching and moaning
  • Rain jacket
  • Nutrition/Snacks
  • For the GrowRuckers, anything else you plan on packing for the event
Now’s the time to pack it and carry it. #DFQ #LFG #GetSome
YHC Provided the attendees with two pre-event challenges:
1. Be lined up 6 feet apart in alphabetical order by Pax last name at identified spot at 2000.
2. Have 1 sandbag for every attending Pax. Weight can be between 20# and 40#.
The Pax jumped into this in the pre-blast slack thread and quickly had the names listed off in order and the sandbag inventory chatter proved successful.


2000. All were lined up in alphabetical order by Pax last name. 6 feet apart, facing south at the identified Startex field. Good start, would have been pretty early for penalty burpees. Men were welcomed and disclaimed. YHC told the men that we wouldn’t be straying further than 3 miles from the current location so exit strategy (for whatever reason) would be available. It’s gonna be a long night and we’re gonna put in a lot of work. Went through a few inventory checks. Left our Rucks behind and Moseyed over to a nearby field for some WoR exercises to get warmed up: SSH’s IC, Tappy Taps IC, Imperial Walkers IC, SSH’s IC. Moseyed back to our Rucks to get things started.

The Thang

Buy-in: 7 rounds of: 10 Ruck Get-ups (Ruck on Front, lay down, stand all the way up) + 10 Ruck Pull-Through’s (each pull is 1)

Evolution 1: Ruck March approx 3 miles. Bedpan was winner of Buy-in so YHC identified him as the first Team Leader. I shared with him the directions of the march, what was expected of the formation, and he picked 48 minutes as the Time Hack to make it. Off we went. A visit by a Parks Police vehicle had us re-route the path so distance and time was voided. 

PT #1: The Team made it to some hillsides over by Book Rd in a big park field.

P1 drags partner’s Ruck up the hill while Bear Crawling UP and Crawl Bear’ing DOWN with their own Ruck on. P2 does BLIMPS (Burpees, Lunges, Inchworms, Merican Hammers, Plank, Squats). Switch and work through BLIMPS. Only tell the group the exercises ONCE. Lots of good Ruck on and then off again movements here. The hill work took longer than expected so we only cycled through once. 

BREAK 1: 7 minutes (time to hydrate, grab a snack, sit down, lose a watch band if you are Baby Hands, etc)

Evolution 2: Ruck March back to our Startex (had to go a different route because of the Parks Police presence). Just a few short steps into the march we “found some Coupons” that had been planted behind a tree. The Team now had some extra weight as part of their journey: a Water Can (30.2#), Two 20# Plates, and a 100# Sandbag (for 2 to carry). Baby Hands was identified as the Team Leader for this one. Told him the route (sorta) and formation expectations. The Team did a great job on this March rotating through the Coupons. The 100# sandbag was a beast and Pax came up with some street light measurements along the streets to try and make sure we kept moving and no single Pax was overworking.

PT #2: For this, every Pax needed a sandbag weighing between 20#-40#. Pax were to complete 25 Ruck Squats + Sandbag toss across field W/O Ruck + 25 BBSU Get-Ups w/o Ruck + Sandbag toss back across field. Rinse/Repeat.

BREAK 2: 7 minutes (more time to hydrate stationary, eat, rest, change socks, etc).

Evolution 3: The Ruck marching turned westward now. Team Coupons were the Jerry Can (30.2#), both 20# Plates, Two 40# Sandbags, and One 20# Sandbag. This ratio meant that half the Team would be carrying extra weight at any given time and the other half would be “resting”, hydrating, etc. This March took a few different turns than originally planned. Ended up being a lengthy march with no actual PT stop this time around as the trail we were on was pretty close to some homes and figured it best to keep logging miles, especially after the first two PT stops were pretty solid in time and effort required. About 1 mile in, YHC presented a Time Hack. Ruck the next 1 mile in under 14:30. The Team pushed well, Baby Hands jumped up to the front and led 20 second shuffle intervals to keep pace down. Team finished in 14:16. Success. Onward. Next hour or so was just some good rucking under weight. 

Break 3: 6 minutes. Hydrate, eat, the usual stuff.

March Home. A few tenths of a mile into this next March we halted and presented the Team with another Time Hack. They needed to cover the next mile in under the 14:16 time they had done at this time over an hour ago. There would be penalties and rewards for this one. As a plus, they needed to complete this in complete SILENCE.

The Team crushed this challenge physically. Time was 12 minutes and something. Reward was dumping the water out of the jerry can. All were pleased. Unfortunately, there were at least two murmurs of words that YHC heard. So 50 Ruck Swings was the penalty served for that.

Ruck up, buckle up, and onward we went.

At the outset, YHC wanted to cover more than 11 miles and endex past 0100. As we neared the Outpost grounds both of these were coming into focus. The Team had put in some really great work. We had covered enough distance and time that each man was in a place where they could identify some good learnings about where they are – fitness-level wise, gear plans, hydration/nutrition plans, etc. So we looped around to the Startex spot and Endexed a few minutes after 0100 on Saturday morning.

Final Tally: 5 hours, 4 minutes, 12.7 total miles covered.

Circle of Trust

Tonight was not just going for a Ruck. A ton of work and weight was carried long distances. The Team gave up their Friday evening (and perhaps some of their Saturday from a recovery perspective) to come out and do something that we refer to as Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless, but I’d argue there was nothing ‘stupid’ or ‘pointless’ about what we did this evening.  The Team finished together and should be proud of what was accomplished. This type of commitment to training should bode well for these men in Louisville in a few short weeks.

The TheraGun and a cooler of cold beers were busted out in the dark parking lot as the Team spent about 45 minutes recovering, chatting, and feeling good vibes.

Naked Man Moleskin

Sorry, you had to be there to believe it.

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