08/18/2022 - Two Wolves - Homecoming…LEG DAY?! At the only AO where the sun rises

AO: Two Wolves

When: 08/18/2022


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 3

FNG Names:

QIC: Bronco


🚨🐺🐺🐴 Two Wolves pre-blast 8/18/22 5:15 am 🐴🐺🐺🚨 


No running BC hypertrophy focused homecoming/knowledge Q/A vote for 2 in bold below. 


Man I’m sore. Lots of Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) from my chest/upper body Q at La Luz Friday and thrashing my legs and lower back at Iron lion Q Monday. That’s a good thing… I think.


I’ve been so busy traveling around AO’s that I realized looking at the stats that I haven’t Q’d my home base in forever. So I’m excited to get back. This would be my first since becoming site Q on Tuesdays back in June, longer actually.


Because everything else is sore I was gonna come up with something nasty for core, but I’m off-season (fat) so that’s less important for me. I think what I will do for my two wolves “homecoming” is give those HC’n a say in what we cover. 


Don’t say running.


I also will go over the methodology I’m currently using to target progressive overload, something we rarely get doing circuit work  with a brick in a parking lot. Reps, timing, tempo, isometric holds and all the other tricks I regularly throw in. Not sure it’s correct or not, and that is open for discussion/debate. Maybe we can come up with something better, maybe you come away with something for your Q’s! 


So drop an HC and a vote for


Legs (my vote)

chest/triceps (sore, but whateve)





Just get them in by 6 so I can prepare? HC after just don’t expect your vote to count. 


HC for the workout, show up for the knowledge discussion!


Slaughter start!



10 sec prepare


30 sec work


11 sec rest


12 rounds


1 cycle


1:05 sec between cycles


4 exercises repeated 3 times 


Blockees OMDn

Good mornings OMC

Side straddle hops OMC


The Thang

3 exercises were repeated 4 times
3 cycles timed same as of above


narrow squat OMDn/Hold/AMRAP/OMC

Standard squats OMDn/Hold/AMRAP/OMC

wide squat OMDn/Hold/AMRAP/OMC


Right leg up hip thrust OMUp/Hold/AMRAP/OMC

Left leg up hip thrust OMUp/Hold/AMRAP/OMC

Sumo DL coupon OMDn/OMDn/AMRAP/OMC


Right leg split squat OMDn/OMDn/AMRAP/OMC

Left leg split squat OMDn/OMDn/AMRAP/OMC

coupon swing OMDn/OMDn/AMRAP/OMC

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