03/04/2020 - The Ridge - I Definitely Wanted to Fartsack

AO: The Ridge

When: 03/04/2020


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Cataracts, Dilly Dilly, Motown, Onesie, Party Boy, Tourniquet, Uncle Rico, Vern,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: TPS Report


Not gonna lie. Could not think of a creative way to conduct Run Club until late last night. But I hit gold when trusty Google Maps revealed that the distance between the path on one side of The Ridge was exactly .5km away from the path on the other side. And there was a big ol stinking hill in between. PERFECT.


My evil plans complete, I hit the bed late having gotten home from the airport late. Woke up early. Planned the CoT. Pulled the truck out of the garage. THEN noticed it was a wet snow/rain. Ran back inside and threw on the water resistant pants. Headed out.


Pulled in with 3 minutes to spare. Here we go!


Good Mornings

Imperial Walkers

Arm Circles

The Thang

Thang was simple. Start at the bottom of the hill on the east side (next to path). Run up and over hill. Keep running. All the way across the park. To the west side path. Turn around. Run back. Up and over the hill. When you get to the East side path…. 10 merkins. Then do it all over again.


Each leg is .5km – so out and back is 1km. Set a target of either 3km, 4km, or 5km.


Special note: Make sure to avoid volcanic lava flows, space alien ship landing sites, known paranormal areas, and rabbit holes. Bad juju if you run into any of those.


Excellent push by Cataracts who is moving his mile time pace up with every run. And HUGE T-Claps to a RCVP (Run Club Virgin Post) by Tourniquet. Who survived. Excellent to see some new faces too from Onesie and Party Boy!



American Hammer

One legged SSH (20 each leg). Lots of griping here but I bet your calves will thank me when they’re done hurting.

Ring of Fire (10 merkins each).

Circle of Trust

Count o Rama


Name o Rama



Naked Man Moleskin

I really, really, wanted to sleep this morning. Just a crushing schedule the last two days, then a dash home from the airport. I’m tired, I’m weary, I’m beat. My bed sounds so good right now. I’ve been posting regularly enough, and running enough with Dingo training, that missing one day isn’t going to set me back to far. I got the means and the justification to blissfully fartsack this morning.


But that makes something crystal clear. I’m not coming for the exercise. I’m coming for my brothers. I think we can all agree that we wouldn’t get the exercise we do if we went at it alone. At least for me. I need you men. You keep me accountable. You keep dragging me out of bed every morning. You keep pushing me, even though you may not know it. You make sure I don’t get lazy.


There is something mysterious and magical about these mornings. The rising of the sun, the frozen tundra in the winter, mixed together with hard work, sweat, and a healthy dose of teasing. It all means so much more when we’re together as brothers.


So next time your tempted to stay in bed – first make sure you’re not being lazy. Second, think of your brothers. Not out of guilt. No – out of commitment, out of doing something hard alongside brothers who are also doing something hard. Take a rest day when you NEED it, but keep coming out here. You might just find the reason you do is much deeper and meaningful than the few pounds you lose.

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