02/12/2020 - The Complex - Inspired by Recent #DR Posts

AO: The Complex

When: 02/12/2020


Number of Pax: 20

Pax Names: Appletini, Blueprints, Bongo, Flush, Giggles, Leuben, Magellan, Marla Hooch, Mendoza, Moriarty, Percy, Pizza the Hut, Rooney, Shandy, Short Round, Spit Valve, Spork, Uncle Rico, Wet Wipe, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Uncle Rico


Conditions: Temps in the 20’s, little to no wind, moon shining brightly!

YHC rolled in early to scope out the Thang and get some exercises written down for the PAX. Over yonder runs in Percy from his EC run. A few minutes later the EC Ruckers strolled into the lot (Flush, Magellan, Giggles and Rooney). Energy was picking up and 0510 the caravan rolled in DEEP! 19 F3 Naperville dudes fought the Fartsack and had arrived to put in some work!

0515. Disclaimer was shared and off we went.



We moseyed around the parking lot for a few minutes and circled back up for some quick warming up. SSH’s IC x 10, Tappy Taps IC x 10, Imperial Walkers IC x 10, SSH’s IC x 10. Moseyed over to a far corner of the parking lot where Thang 1 was announced.

The Thang

Thang 1

The following was to be completed 4 times by each PAX OYO:

Run a lap of the entire parking lot (no clue the actual distance)

Burpees x 20

Air Squats x 20

Minnesota Mike Tyson’s x 20

Big Boy Sit-ups x 20

This was more of a burner than I had envisioned. Those MMT’s really start to fire all sorts of things up! I learned about those from posting with the Twin Cities men a few weeks ago. Appletini lapped us all in this Thang, although Shandy tried his best to hold him off. What’s that they say? To get faster/stronger you have to work/run with faster/stronger PAX? Thanks for being our rabbit this morning, Appletini!

Thang 2: Coupon Passes

Another Thang I picked up from the men of Twin Cities. Broke into teams of 4 and each team had to pass the coupon sideways by swinging it to a teammate. Once you passed off to the teammate you then run around to get back in line to receive a pass. Swing it again and so on and so on. You kinda had to be there!!!!! We made our way down the whole parking lot. YHC saw lots of shuffling/steps when PAX were “passing” their coupon so we re-visited that you should be stationery when swinging/passing the coupon and we returned back to the other end of the lot. No coupons were dropped or broken and no one got hurt. It’s the small victories sometimes.

0554 and we headed off for Mary. I had a whole other set of Thang 1 with Coupons but that will have to wait for another morn.


Box Cutters IC x 20

Flutter Kicks IC x 25

LBC’s IC x 20

High Plank x 60 seconds

Recover RECOVER!



Circle of Trust

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” – Haruki Murakami

We all have storms in our lives. This morning’s beatdown was a storm. But as we stand here with it in the rearview, it’s over. Each of us managed to survive. May we all have the strength and courage and kindness to battle through the storms in our daily lives that are undoubtedly going to come and that we come out the other side being a better person.

Prayers were lifted and we prayed for the blessings in our lives and the ability to come out and exercise our bodies, our minds, and our souls. Can I get an Amen!?

Naked Man Moleskin

Shandy and Appletini were running their mouth’s early on about something being “very peculiar.” No idea what the hell they were talking about. We didn’t even do Motivators from 1.

Hopefully there was a little bit of something for everyone this morning. PAX were able to stay relatively together throughout it all, except when running but the big circle run gave guys a chance to try and catch someone in front them. As they say, “you get out what you put in.” I think the PAX put in some real work this morning and will return stronger and faster tomorrow.

#SYITG, Uncle Rico

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