01/07/2022 - The Citadel - IPC runback

AO: The Citadel

When: 01/07/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Ball Boy


Come join YHC for a 45 minute burner with little rest between thangs.

Starting weather: -4 degrees (-20 with the windchill)


SSH x 31

3 burpees

SSH x 21

3 burpees

Tappy Taps x 15

Slow Windmills x 10 Forward x 10 backward


The Thang

Thang 1:

Burpee Mile around church parking lot: 10 burpees run a lap (.25 mile) x 4

= 1 mile and 40 burpees

Thang 2:

IPC 2018 week 0 revisit in a modified form for time

50 squats

40 Big Boy’s

30 merkins

20 bonnie blairs – count right leg only

10 burpees

Run a lap (.25 miles)

We got through 3 rounds each. Normally this would be done in a 4 rounds for time format but we pretty much stayed together as a group today.

Thang 3:

parking lot space race

Circle of Trust

Prayed for all Pax and their families, those sick w Covid and Appletini’s mother

You have a choice for the rest of your day – you can get into a mindset that you did something really hard and tiring this morning and coast through the rest of the day and into the weekend or you could use this as your springboard into the rest of your day.  I encouraged everyone, and certainly myself, to bring the same approach and mindset that we all did to this workout, into our day, our job, our conversations with our M’s and children.  Be intentional and keep putting in the hard work.


Naked Man Moleskin

It was definitely cold out there today but it’s one of those things that always seems like it’s going to be worse than it actually is.  The right gear and especially gloves, makes all the difference.  Once we got out there and started moving, it wasn’t bad at all.  Small group today as expected by the light number of HC’s. But it was a strong group of HIM’s who didn’t let the cold dictate their schedule today.

My main goal for this one was keep us moving the entire time to stay warm and make the most out of the workout.

We had some good tunes going for the first two minutes until Puddles fully charged phone died due to the cold.  That led to some good mumblechatter today.




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