06/02/2021 - Iron Lion - Irish Cloverleaf workout

AO: Iron Lion

When: 06/02/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Baywatch, Cousin Eddie, Mellencamp, Riunite, Ronda Rousey, Speaker City, Ticker Tape, Yugo,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Kobayashi

QIC: Wine in A Box


Been in a funk lately with Qs, and was struggling to come up with something new. I came with something I call the “Irish Cloverleaf”. Hopefully it will be well received

Thankfully they mowed the hill so the grass was manageable. But this also meant that the coupon drags ended up being collectors of cut grass. My car looks like a landscaping company was using it.

Extremely solid group PAX HCed for today, so Im looking forward to this . . . strap on your kilt, start blasting some traditional Irish folk music and lets go


We stretched. A fun time was had by all.

The Thang


Mosey with your coupon to the top of the Iron Lion hill. Leave the coupon there

There are four stations scattered around the hill, at all four points of the compass. Or a “four leaf clover”.


  • (facing north, long side of the hill) Drag a big boy coupon up the hill, run if you can.
  • (facing east towards the pavilion) rifle carry your coupon down the hill, then lunge walk back up the hill. Leave your coupon at the top
  • (facing south towards the octag0n) jog down to the bushline, then bernie sanders back up the hill.
  • (facing west to the backside of the high school) Jog to the path, where there are 5 – 25 pound sandbags. with a partner, chest press the sandbag over the “moat/path” for 10 reps per partner. (you were called out if you didnt get it over the path) jog back to top of the hill and carry the big boy back to the north base and repeat the circuit.

Repeat the circuit until 6AM.


Circle of Trust

CoT was about helping others. Ill start with a quote from Teddy Roosevelt

“This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in”.

To me that means do whatever you can to help others and make this country/community a better place. I’m thankful that Ronda Rousey is here today, as he exemplifies what it means to help the least of us through the HomeBound services channel. He goes above and beyond to help others . . . and that shows up in EVERY workout as he builds up PAX that are struggling. This quote just isnt about community service, its about leaving things better than when you found it. Its about looking to the left and right as we are grinding through workouts and encouraging and building each other up. Its about lifting people up instead of breaking them down. So make this world/country/community a GREAT place to live in.



Naked Man Moleskin

Man . . . this was a fun group this morning. Not a ton of mumblechatter early on, but im assuming thats because those coupon drags were a cast iron bitch.

Random musings . . .

  • I have filed a police report with the Lisle police departments for Sulley. I fear he has been abducted.
  • Kobayashi is a badass! Day two and pushing hard!
  • Speaker city was showing off his swag from pawn star . . . love the goal you have set for yourself and glad we get to help you on your journey!
  • Right after I stated that if you couldnt throw the sandbag over the path, Cousin Eddie fumbled his throw and it went a grand total of two feet.   Shame . . .shame . .  .shame . . . . 😉
  • To Cousin Eddies credit . . . he knows that most of my Qs will involve some heavy lifting/throwing and he keeps coming back for more. Despite the fact that I never include his favorite exercise . .  . bear crawls.
  • As usual, Ronda was the pace setter and beasting each part of the workout over and over.
  • Ronda’s leadership with guys that are struggling is something that doesnt get enough spotlight. He is constantly pushing everyone to dig a little deeper, and we are all better for it.
  • Ticker tape was pushing HARD today and kicking that hill’s ass!
  • Mellencamp also hit the path on sandbag throws, but it was very very close to clearing it.
  • We worked out before the gnats really got bad, which was nice.
  • Yugo was beasting all morning, especially on those coupon drags!
  • Baywatch just keeps leading by example. His form on rifle carries was picture perfect!
  • Riunite was kicking ass and taking names as usual. The quiet assassin . . .  this HIM has put in an INCREDIBLE amount of hard work over the last year, and his body transformation is nothing less than amazing. Truly an inspiration to all PAX!
  • I think we travelled around a mile and half, but considering that distance was a hill-based, it was a HARD mile and a half.
  • I was the only one wearing a kilt. Not going to lie . . . the breeze was DELIGHTFUL.
  • Mellencamp asked if I was wearing anything under the kilt, then immediately regretted his query as he stated “damn it, this will be in the back blast now!” Yes Mellencamp . . .  it will.

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