10/26/2020 - Virtuosity - K.I.S.S.

AO: Virtuosity

When: 10/26/2020


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Backstage, Beetle Bailey, Buggs Bunny, Car Seat, Chun Li, Flutie Flakes, Happy Meal, Mudslide, Ozark, Rand McNally, Sparkles, Trailer Park,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ozark


YHC promised to bring some fire to the pax on a chilly Monday morning, so I figured we’d keep things simple and keep things moving. Some straight forward thangs immediately sprang to mind that we could put a little twist on.


It looked like the pax needed to get some heat pumping, so we started with some SSH, and then some tappy taps and abe vigodas to get those backs limbered up. Some high knees and imperial walkers rounded out warm-o-rama.

The Thang

Thang 1 – Super 21

This one is a creeper, one merkin then one BBSU, then 2 each, then 3 … up to 21. I always use this to fill in when something doesn’t take as much time as I thought, but today we were gonna finish this thing… or at least do a hell of a lot more of it than I have previously because we gotta get some of thang 2. Backstage made it to 16, YHC lost count, and all the pax kept at it until I called time–time for ….

Thang 2 – Elevens + 11 Burpees = 22’s

For thang 2 we did elevens of gravediggers with coupons switching sides instead of switching exercises. In between pax did eleven burpees. YHC was glad when the rep counts were more evenly distributed, because burpees.


We rounded things out with some flutter kicks, LBCs and Peter Parkers.

Circle of Trust

My CoT message came to me somewhere during those burpees in thang two. I feel like there is a lot in our lives like those burpees right now. We’ve all got responsibilities and tasks that we’ve gotta chip away at everyday, and the things going on in the world like the pandemic only add extra layers. That’s one of the important things I take away from a solid beatdown–when you get tired you can keep going–when you finish a burpee you can put those hands right back down on the deck and do another. Maybe you aren’t jumping as high or clapping as crisply but you can keep doing the work, and come back stronger tomorrow.

Naked Man Moleskin

I promised Flutie Flakes that thang 2 would quiet the bro garage’s mumblechatter, and I don’t think I was wrong. I was thinking of TPS Report calling me out on swinging my arms on those BBSU’s and … I still swing my arms more when I’m tired. Props to Chun Li for going sleeveless in sub 40 degree weather, and to Mudslide(Tri-County) for posting and then going straight into teaching a spin class.

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