10/22/2020 - Dark Tower - “KISS” Keep It Simple Stupid
AO: Dark Tower
When: 10/22/2020
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names: Dingo, Frank The Tank, Goldberg, HH Gregg, Radio Flyer, Riunite, Townie,
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/A
QIC: Aladdin
@channel Pre Blast
Dark Tower 10/22 0515 BC
Tomorrow I’ll keep it simple. Last Q @ DT I tried to get too “creative” and was disappointed in myself. I will do my best to make up for it mañana. Bring gloves and leave the coupons at home. Well be moving and doing lots of burpees (I hate burpees) HC in the 🧵 below. SYITG
The opportunity clock went off at 4:15 I hit snooze until about 4:25 and got on with the routine. Took my nervous F3 dump as I call it, jumped in the Monty and off we went. Pulled up to the scene at 5:05 with Frank the Tank and Riunite locked and loaded in the parking lot. Pop the truck, plant the flag, and take a deep breath. Ahhhhhhh
Dark Tower beautifully lit on wet, gloomy fall morning. Rain going away as the man upstairs saw it was approaching 0515. BOOM Let’s go!!!
Disclaimer given and plan B shared with the PAX
Tappy Taps IC 15
Abe Vigotas 12
(HHGreg pulls in the lot)
Motivators from 8
(copied Tonka and stopped at 7 when PAX count was weak) (started from the top)
Mosey over to Hotel Indigo parking garage for THE THANG aka The Party!
Hold plank for the six….right arm up….left arm up….recover.
The Thang
“Four Corners Escalator” Parking Garage Edition
Floor One 10 burpees
Bear crawl half way up to next floor run the rest
Floor Two 10 burpees, 2o jump squats
Bear crawl half way up to next floor run the rest
Floor Three 10 burpees, 20 jump squats, 30 monkey humpers
Bear crawl half way up to next floor run the rest
Floor Four 10 burpees, 2o jump squats, 30 monkey humpers, 40 big boys
PAX who finished early were given the option to hold plank or help the 6 (most if not all helped the 6)
Rise and repeat back down to Floor One yet no bear crawl instead mosey backwards
PAX who finished early were given the option to wall sit or help the 6 (again most if not all helped the 6)
With 10 minutes left I called an Audible and threw in a couple sprints (full speed)
One forward, mosey back down
Radio Flyer 10 count
One backwards, mosey down
Mosey back to the Tower
Hold plank for the 6
Ring of fire each PAX choosing an exercise counting together (5)
(I screwed up instructions here and didn’t get a head count before take off upon beginning of BC )
Circle of Trust
I thanked the PAX for coming out this morning. They could-of easily made an excuse or blamed the “rain”.
I shared with the PAX today is my 9th wedding anniversary. The funny thing about it is our pastor married us at the bottom of the Tower. Not only is DT my favorite AO because of proximity to my pad but also for this reason. At the time we lived in Montgomery not in Naperville.
I talked about how hard Marriage is and how often I come up short. I’ve wanted to throw in the towel more than I’m proud to admit. I’m a word guy so the word of the day was COMPROMISE. As I grow wiser in my marriage that word becomes bigger and bigger. I’m grateful for my M as she’s awesome and let’s me do my thang for the most part. She’s been a big supporter of F3 and loves that no women are allowed LOL.
I wrapped up with how grateful I am to be surround by MEN in F3 I can use as examples and guides as I grow as a husband and a man. I study quite a few of you, mostly OG’s yet none the less everyone as I do know I can learn something from each and every PAX.
I shared a devotional I read yesterday titled “Walk in Love” and one of my favorite bible verses 1 Corinthians 13:4
We prayed for Fidelia (HHGreg’s Mother), CVS and his family, Gloop and his family, Wet Wipe and his family, Mr Miyagis mother, Bongo and his wife, Baby Hands, my barber Luis and all those left unspoken.
Final Prayer
Naked Man Moleskin
As I said in my preblast last time Q-ing got to my head aka EGO and I felt it was a sloppy Q. It was a sloppy Q because one it was too complicated and two I didn’t properly plan (think it through) kinda wigging it. The standard was dropped and that’s not acceptable at least in my book.
I overhead Roach Coach at coffeteria this Monday say,” A Q doesn’t have to be complicated do a f-ing DORA or Four Corners”. I’m not sure if he cursed yet that’s how it sounded in my head immediately a light bulb went off for today’s Q. KISS Keep it simple stupid. I love simplicity. Our original plan was a traditional four corners escalator on the new turf field. “Blessed are the flexible as they wont be bent out of shape”
Frank the Tank – with his woo woo woo, let’s get it guys on repeat for 45 minutes. You know mummble chatter is good when you’re concerned you’ll get asked to leave a parking garage.
HHGregg – blessed us with his presence and set the tone the ENTIRE BC. Well done! #RESPECT
Goldberg – first class as always. It was nice to show him another area (parking garage) of the greatest AO of F3Naperville. We had nice convos on the mosey there and back. I gave him kuddos on Saturday RC’s @ Iron Lion. They’re pulling from our Saturday DT numbers for 0630 BC and I don’t LIKE it! Appletini is no longer who I’m worried about.
Riunite was on FIRE. This HIM came to work!!! He was kicking ass and taking names. It was an honor having him at DT.
Dingo- my boy I give him a hard time every time we post together, sorry not sorry. #RESPECT
Radio Flyer – another Ace in my deck. Can’t say enough about you. #RESPECT
Townie – Thanks for having our 6 and for that engineer brain of yours (checking in with Q & planning plan B the night before)
I would like to think I made up for last time. THANK YOU FOR JOINING ME ITG!!
Signing off….
See you @ the TOP!