01/15/2021 - The Launch Pad - Launch Pad Weirdo Fun
AO: The Launch Pad
When: 01/15/2021
Number of Pax: 14
Pax Names: Baby Hands, Callahan, Chazz, Cousin Eddie, Dorn, Ebeneezer, Flush, Glass Joe, Goldberg, Moonlight, Mr. Belding, Mr. Nice Guy, Riunite, Urban Cowboy,
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Nacho Libre
The weather was lovely when we started, dry and high 20’s. The most impressive part was how early everybody showed up. I got there 15 minutes early to set up and nearly everyone was already there! Dorn and Urban Cowboy were doing burpess while Goldberg and Baby Hands were just chatting and complaining about the cold, as usual. Mr. Nice Guy violently chewed them both out as he is prone to do.
Motivators from 6
Abe Vigotas slow – 15
Mrs Baby Hands’ Soulja Boy – Keep your arms fully extend for the entire song Crank That by Soulja Boy. You are constantly moving your arms the entire time rotating between arm circles forward (point your finger and it makes it harder), reverse arm circles, globes, double globes, push t he wall, and Y ups.
The Thang
Thang 1
5 minutes – 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 curls
Sprint the length of the hose and back
Rinse and repeat – If you cannot complete the set or do not want to do so you may replace any exercise with 5 right handed/5 left handed swings with the sledgehammer on the tire
30 second rest
5 minutes – 20 Diamond merkins, 20 lunges (each leg is a half), 20 overhead press
Run the length of the hose backwards
Rinse and repeat – If you cannot complete the set or do not want to do so you may replace any exercise with 5 right handed/5 left handed swings with the sledgehammer on the tire
30 second rest
5 minutes – 20 archer merkins (10 per arm), 20 burpees, 20 rows
Hop back and forth the length of the hose
Rinse and repeat – If you cannot complete the set or do not want to do so you may replace any exercise with 5 right handed/5 left handed swings with the sledgehammer on the tire
30 second rest
5 minutes – 20 plyo merkins, 20 coupon squats (sit on coupon count a full second then stand up), 20 waiter curls
Shuffle the length of the hose
Rinse and repeat – If you cannot complete the set or do not want to do so you may replace any exercise with 5 right handed/5 left handed swings with the sledgehammer on the tire
30 second rest
Thang 2
Tire toss competition! Everyone did side straddle hops while 2 PAX threw a tire discuss style, winner advanced to the finals. After everyone went through, the winners competed again. Winners posted in Naked Man Moleskin
50 big boys
15 American Hammers
10 Burpees
20 LBC’s
Circle of Trust
Our F3 brother, Buttermaker’s brother passed away after a battle with brain cancer on Wednesday night. He was surrounded by his kids and his 2 brothers. His name was Mike and he will be in our prayers. But this isn’t about Mike, it’s about Buttermaker. You see the reason Buttermaker’s Mom and Dad or his other brother were not there is because they too had passed away. BM lost his Mom at 13, His closest brother at 17, his Dad a few years ago, and now another brother at 50. That’s a lifetime of tragedy packed into a pretty small time frame. I bring this up not so you are sad or have an ounce of pity for him. Rather it’s to show you what you can be as well. Buttermaker has never made an excuse, lost his smile, or said virtually a bad word against anybody. In our family, we have an expression, “If Buttermaker doesn’t like you, you’re the world’s biggest piece of shit.” Keep in mind, BM and I are not blood related. I’ve known BM since I was 12 and I think I finally figured out why he is always so positive. When a lot is taken away, you truly appreciate what you have left. It’s pretty cliché but please make gratitude a part of your 2021. Try giving an honest compliment once a day and see how you feel. Chances are you’ll end up being more like Buttermaker than Nacho Libre and that is better for the entire society!
Buttermaker and his brother were big supporters of an orphanage in Mexico called Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos. No obligation or guilt but if you want, please go to NPH.org/Mexico to make a donation. Under referrer’s name you can list Dave Mooney. The link was giving us a few problems yesterday so if you get an error, just type the address into the browser and it should work.
Love you guys, thanks.
Naked Man Moleskin
Mr. Belding came in 2nd, Moonlight in 3rd, and I can’t remember who won. . . just kidding, Baby Hands took 1st*.
*As judges neither Goldberg nor Nacho Libre competed and we would have certainly been 1st and 2nd had we had our chance. BH’s win has an asterisk forever.
Baby Hands’ M really did create the Soulja Boy shoulder workout done in the warm a rama. Most of us agreed, it was the hardest part of the workout. She taught it to my M and now she forces me to do it nightly. If I keep practicing, I might be as good as her someday.
Glass Joe – “3 months ago if you asked me to do a plyo merkin after already doing 60 merkins, I would have said F U. I was able to get 12 or so done, so that was a win for me.” Glass Joe, you are killing it, absolutely killing it.
Mr. Nice Guy – “I lost my Dad young so not a day goes by, maybe not a 1/2 day goes by where I’m not grateful for what I have.” Hopefully MNG doesn’t mind that I shared this but the truly kind men I have met at F3 like MNG, Hootie, House Arrest, etc. have inspired me to be a better, kinder person. They are the real reason I show up each day.
Compliments on my music – Chazz, Mr. Nice Guy, Glass Joe; That’s a big win for the guy who got booed last Q for his big band version of “Africa” by Toto.
Cousin Eddie, thanks to your tutelage I got through almost all of the cadence today. Trying to make you proud. The 6 count burpee still eludes me and I appreciate the assist from Baby Hands on that one.
Goldberg’s commentary on form was golden, “Hey Guys, if you don’t want to lock out at the top don’t worry about it. Nacho is totally cool with that.” “Nacho said you don’t have to go all the way down if you don’t want.” For the record, I am not cool with any of that.
Anybody else notice the sneaky fast improvements from Callahan and Chazz lately? Very Impressive. And go to Cafe Di Moda in Lisle, the owner is a pretty cool guy (wink).
Riunite is half the size of when he started, seriously he needs to post a before and after pic.
Dorn, Urban Cowboy, Mr. Belding, and Moonlight might have beat Baby Hands in that tire throw if not for the ridiculous amount of burpees they did before and throughout the workout. That looks awful, but good job?
Great seeing Flush today! Been too long since we have run around ITG together.
Ebenezeer broke out the Nacho Libre bandana in the only color I don’t have. Nice tie-dye, brother.
This workout was a blatant rip off of a The Cornbread Q’ed workout. Thanks for the fire hoses, TCB.