07/18/2020 - The Outpost - Leg Workout

AO: The Outpost

When: 07/18/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Captain Underpants, Crab Legs, Hamburgler, Uncle Rico, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:



I did this Q a while back and was recommended to do it again with a full crew. Last week we had around 19 people show up so I thought I would bring this out again to get some people to get a taste. Uncle Rico also hyped this up like I have never seen before. Thanks to his efforts we were able to get some guys out.


“Abe” Vigodas x 20
SSH x 20

Imperial walkers x 20

Mountain climbers x 20


The Thang

1 mile run and doing spins and such

50 lunges -> 25 push ups -> 75 squats -> .25 run and repeat

The push ups and squats were the most difficult in this one because most had 30 lbs on their back.
Uncle Rico busted my form on the yoga at Mary, Cap to was getting me on the reverse plank.
Woodwind and Uncle Rico’s speed with weight on their back is pretty insane.

Overall, It was really fun working out with these guys.

Circle of Trust

Very thankful for these guys. They are always pushing me to better myself every weekend.

“All the days of the oppressed are bad, but the cheerful in heart have a continual feast”

-Proverbs 15:15

Gratitude is something that can be practiced and applied everywhere. Being grateful can be applied to almost any situation and lessen the burden.

Prayers for Coldcuts family, for Miyagi, for Toady, and their families

Naked Man Moleskin

“All the days of the oppressed are bad, but the cheerful in heart have a continual feast”

-Proverbs 15:15

On a personal level, I have started to scratch the surface of this meaning. In my career I have been feeling frustrated the past 4 years because I haven’t really moved up the ladder, despite seeing others move right up. My ego was frustrated and my attitude was me vs the company for not promoting me. Finally, with my 3rd child being born I am able to see what I have gained from this experience is far more than a higher salary.

Patience, Money Management, Contentment. These things are priceless but are difficult to gain. Perhaps the COVID situation forcing us to spend additional time with the family was a blessing in disguise. Anyways going forward I can understand that feeling frustration or other negative emotions could be a symptom of a underdeveloped sense of gratitude (blocked by our ego, or our own pride).

Have a great weekend everyone!

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