03/25/2022 - The Outpost - Lets Throw Hands
AO: The Outpost
When: 03/25/2022
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast Friday 3/25 5:15am.
I’ve got something fun (I think) planned for tomorrow. Got some pent up aggression? Do you sometimes just want to ‘hit’ something? Show up to The Outpost tomorrow for your chance. You remember those thicker winter gloves you thought you were done with? Sorry, but you’ll need those tomorrow. So bring them, along with some shoes for all surfaces. No coupons needed Let’s punch Friday morning straight in the
Got up a little earlier than usual to make sure I allowed myself enough time to set everything up before the workout. Got to the AO around 4:55. Got the heavy bag hung, the ropes tied along the posts, equipment laid out. Stay Puft and One Eye Willy were finishing their EC as the other PAX rolled in.
Circled up, recited the 5 core principals and gave the disclaimer…extra emphasis on “I am NOT a professional”.
Time to warm up.
Good Mornings IC x 10
Thai Fighters IC x 10 each
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
Global Warming L Squat x 5, R Squat x 5
The Thang
Boxing Exercise Circuit – 70 seconds on – 20 sec transition
Stations for Round 1:
- Jump Rope
- Heavy Bag
- :35 sec Jab, Jab, Cross
- :35 sec Freestyle
- Ducking Drill on Long Rope – Forward Press/HandsUp – 8lb Dumbells
- Pads – Holder
- Pads – Striker
- Duck, Jab, Uppercut
- Ducking Drill on Corner – Start Middle, Duck and shuffle left, Duck and shuffle back to middle, 1-2 punch. Duck and shuffle right, duck and shuffle back to middle, 1-2 punch.
After all PAX completed all stations, we circled around the heavy bag. Feet moving, arms up, we took turns coming towards the bag and throwing a 2 punch combo. Went around the circle about 5 times. Then took a recovery mosey through the parking lot.
Stations for Round 2:
- Standing Flys – 12lb Dumbells
- Heavy Bag
- :35 sec Jab, Hook, Hook
- :35 sec Freestyle
- Ducking Drill on Long Rope – Forward Press/HandsUp – 8lb DB
- Pads – Holder
- Pads – Striker
- Jab, Slip, Jab, Hook
- Ducking Drill on Corner – Start Middle, Duck and shuffle left, Duck and shuffle back to middle, 1-2 punch. Duck and shuffle right, duck and shuffle back to middle, 1-2 punch.
After all PAX completed all stations, we got into a line and each PAX got a turn to go through with the pads and take a two punch combo from everyone. PAX in line kept their feet moving and hands up.
We then moved back to the heavy bag and all got into high plank. Each PAX got up and had roughly 20 seconds to throw whatever punches they wanted. Once 20 seconds are up, back into high plank while the next PAX goes. Note – getting back into high plank after your 20 seconds was rough!
Final recovery mosey around the parking lot before circling up at the flags for Mary.
Partner BigBoySitup Punch Combo – Appox 2 min.
Floyd Mayweathers IC x 16
Buzzsaws IC x 10
Circle of Trust
Count-o-Rama – 6
Announcements – Thanks Blueprints
Name-o-Rama – Columbus, One Eye Willy, Stay Puft, HHGregg, Blueprints, Bean Counter
I offered the PAX a few quality Rocky quotes.
- If he dies, he dies.
- Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t how hard you it; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done.
- Time takes everybody out. Time is undefeated.
Naked Man Moleskin
I had toyed around with a beatdown like this for a few months. My M had gotten me this heavy bag and muay thai gloves years ago. I had used them a bunch for a while but then … F3. I hadn’t had as much time to get after it with the bag so I thought why not combine two great concepts…cardio boxing AND F3. I had fun with this. I hope the PAX did too. I have some ideas for tweaking the workout and of course it all depends on numbers, but I will be bringing this one back. My original plan was set up for up to 15 ‘stations’ … so it can definitely be expanded for a larger group. For today, the group size was perfect. Gave me a good gauge on how to run it.
It was fun to see guys swinging with all they had at times. HHGregg would definitely be a quick striker. Hands were flying! One Eye said he was motivated to go scrap with the people at Starbucks now… how did it go!?
Thanks for entertaining my idea and giving it all you had! – BC
P.S. Someone asked me if I purposely timed up the playlist to play “The Final Bell” from the Rocky movies by the time 6am came around. Come one now … if you haven’t realized it yet, I openly admit that I spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME on the playlist. So yes. Yes, it was timed that way on purpose! I am glad you guys noticed!