03/16/2020 - Dark Tower - March 2020 Fit-Test

AO: Dark Tower

When: 03/16/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Blart, Huskie, Marla Hooch, Percy, Pizza the Hut, Poutine, Putz, Sparky, Tailspin, TBD, Townie, Turner, Twinning, Woodwind, Yankee (FNG),

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dr Ralph


The Monthly Fit-Test started by Cousin Eddie or At At (I’m not sure) and made popular by wet wipe had been handed off to Dr Ralph. It will be every other month and, sadly, will include a short run for time.


Warm up was brief and very exciting:
15-Abe Vigoda’s (IC)
10-Arm Circles (IC) x2
10-Tappy Taps (IC)

The Thang

Mosey to the tower

Fit Test:

Merkins (AMRAP) 90 sec

Squats (AMRAP) 90 sec

Big Boy Sit-ups (AMRAP) 90 sec

Lunges (AMRAP) 90 sec

Dips (AMRAP) 90 sec

Curls (AMRAP) 90 sec

Overhead Press (AMRAP) 90 sec

Chest Press (AMRAP) 90 sec

Bridge Run (1/3 mile for time)

Hydraulic squats IC x20
LBCs x20
Shoulder taps IC x20
Plank o Rama


Circle of Trust

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 ESV

Naked Man Moleskin

Dr Ralph honored his name by spilling merlot at his own Q.  It was substantial.  There was a fair amount of complaining about the running… Mostly from TBD.

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