05/26/2022 - Other - Mental Black Diamond

AO: Other

When: 05/26/2022


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sparkler



You can run You can get under heavy weight You have the endurance/ cardio


So let’s check what’s going on between the ears and our mental strength. Mental health is more important than speed, cardio and strength.


coupons are needed (standard size) and we will be in the grass so :lfg:


110 SSH Single Count

Burpee Islands – slow(er) burpees at each parking lot island 2,4,6,7 um 8

Inch Worms 10 count, 5 count and 3 count

6 x 6’s (merkins, wide, close, diamond merkins, staggered right, staggered left)

Arm Destroyer

-Circles Forward

-OH Caps

-Circles Backward

-Seal Claps

-Grady Corns

-Michael Phelps

-Hold Em Out

Michael Phelps 10 IC

The Thang

Thang One

Mosey with Coupons to the field. Partner Up.
1 Thruster then 2 murder bunnies, 2 Thrusters then 4 murder bunnies, 3 Thrusters, 6 murder bunnies all the way to 25 Thrusters and 50 murder bunnies.
.35 miles over 5 or 6 soccer fields

Thang Two
With your partner, farmer carries run.
PAX one farmer carries while PAX two runs to the original start path and back.
If PAX one drops coupons, they begin the same run.
If PAX makes it back to you from the run then you switch and continue.

Thurkins to 2 big boys, 8 captain Thor’s and 5 merkins

Circle of Trust

Started with gratitude for this group, F3 Naperville and making others from different regions welcome. I consider myself a member of F3 Naperville as much as F3 Plainfield.

What you are going through doesn’t define who you are as a person. How you react to what you are going through does. Everyone struggles, no one is immune to making mistakes or going through tough times. But how are you going to react when shit hits the fan? I’m not judging your problems but I along with others around you are judging how you handle your problems.

Naked Man Moleskin

During the CoT a lady yelled at her dog and everyone was glad we weren’t her husband.

Blinky yelling at Big Gong to finish the Thruster/ Murder Bunny thang was all time.

It didn’t rain on Wide Right.

The gnats were aweful, 68 degrees and humid.

There were a couple big boy coupons out there. Damn, beasts.

TClaps to Ringworm for getting that first BD in, keep accelerating the fitness and getting uncomfortable.

Damaged Goods is an animal and I expect him to be a regular at BDs.

I do not know how to slow down Gordon’s. He may not be human.

Getting the thumbs up from Serena on that Thang made the effort in building this worth it.

Bush Push stepped up and covered SQ for Gloop, thank you brother. You having my back makes running the Q much smoother.


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