08/24/2020 - Black Panther - Merkin Monday

AO: Black Panther

When: 08/24/2020


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Blowfish, Boxcutter, Crambone, DJ Sump Pump, Early Bird, Enron, Impossible Burger, Lewinsky, Milton, Party Boy, Pork Rinds, Sosa, The Wedding Planner, TPS Report,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Blowfish


DJ Sump Pump was trying to write this Q on Friday afternoon and was having a tough week mentally so he asked if anyone wanted to take his Q.  I am SQ for BP on Monday’s so we decided to make a swap.

I’m sure all 13 PAX were so excited when I posted the pre-blast on Sunday morning asking if everyone liked merkins.

Beautiful morning, no wind 65* but some dense fog in the air.  Almost time to bring out the headlamps if we mosey away from the parking lot at BP.


Simple warm-up to get the blood flowing and stretch those legs.

Arm Circles IC  x 10

Tappy Taps IC x 10

Abe Vigoda’s IC x 10

The Thang

Merkin Monday is all about the Merkins.  We lined up seven PAX in a row for two rows and each PAX took turns leading the group on a couple hundred yard mosey and then stopped to do 20-25 merkins of their choice.

By 0554 we had mosey’d 2 miles and did 240 merkins.  Lots of mumblechatter along the way for a fun filled morning.

Circle of Trust

As per usual I don’t write my CoT’s ahead of time, I let it come to me from the workout.

Today we saw a few gassed PAX and some of the HIMS all took turns circling to the back of the pack to pick up the six.  Lately we haven’t been doing a great job of picking up the six and I stressed that it is something that we need to lead by example and ensure every PAX is accounted for and helped when in need.

Naked Man Moleskin

Great work to all 13 PAX this morning, it was a burner of a merkin monday and everyone hated it equally.

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