12/21/2020 - Black Panther - Merry Ruckmas

AO: Black Panther

When: 12/21/2020


Number of Pax: 19

Pax Names: Blowfish, Blueprints, DJ Sump Pump, Elway, Fargo, Flush, Giggles, Impossible Burger, Judge Smails, Nair, Pizza the Hut, Putz, Sweet Gherkins, The Wedding Planner, Trickle, Webelos, Wet Wipe,

DR Names: Tee Ball

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Parks and Rec


Tis’ the time of the year for Christmas themed beatdowns. Last year I did the “12 Days of Christmas” and it was a pretty solid kick in the rear. I was dead set on retooling last year’s beatdown with a ruck twist. On Saturday I was chatting with Fargo at Coffeeteria and he mentioned that he was the Q at BP this coming Wednesday. In that moment, I thought that he might do the “12 Days of Christmas” this coming on Wednesday. For that reason, I thought I should come up with something a little different.

For last year’s Christmas themed beatdown, I used chalk to draw a Christmas tree and listed the exercises in the tree. Drawing upon that, I decided that I would again draw the outline of a Christmas tree and fill it in with a number of exercises. The night before, the forecast called for about a 40-50% chance of rain/snow about 5am-6am. In order to be prepared, I had a backup plan to list all of the exercises on a cardboard cutout staked in the ground.

Sunday night I put together a playlist with some Christmas themed punk rock. I laid out everything I would need the next morning and then tried to get some rest.



This is a free, volunteer, peer-led workout. I am not a professional. You need to be aware of COVID and do everything possible to distance yourself from the others around you. I have no knowledge of any injuries or fitness considerations. It is each person’s responsibility to be safe and modify exercises if you need to. We all do it, most important thing is that you don’t get hurt.


Tappy Taps In Cadence x 10

Squats x 15 (downs called out)

Goof Balls In Cadence x 15

Abe Vigodas In Cadence x 10

SSH In Cadence x 20

The Thang

Thang 1: “Merry Ruckmas”

Partner up and complete the listed exercises. The rep count is for the total number of reps between each partner group.

“Ruckmas Tree” had the following exercises from top to bottom.

5 Ruck Thrusters

25 Ruck Get-ups (Ruck in Front)

Run 400m

5 Ruck Thrusters

50 Ruck Skull Crushers & 50 Ruck Ground to Overhead

Run 400m

5 Ruck Thrusters

75 Ruck Pull Throughs & 75 Ruck Upright Rows

Run 400m

5 Ruck Thrusters

100 Ruck Chest Presses & 100 Ruck Swings

Run 400m

5 Ruck Thrusters

150 Ruck Curls & 150 Bent Over Rows

Assist other PAX when you are complete.

For the most part, the PAX finished together.

Thang 2:

Ruck drag up the small Black Panther hill and then drag it back down as you reverse bear crawl. We only had enough time for each partner to go up and down the hill one time.


American Hammers In Cadence x 25

Flutter Kicks In Cadence x 25 (ruck overhead)

Swimmers In Cadence x 25

LBC’s In Cadence x 25

Plank until 6am




Circle of Trust

Father in Heaven,

Thank you for giving us the opportunity exercise together in the gloom.

We ask for prayers for Aladdin and his family. Bring them healing to battle COVID-19 and strength to get through this holiday period.

We ask for prayers for all others that are battling COVID-19 and those that are helping people with COVID-19.

We lift up all of those prayers in our hearts that are unspoken.


Naked Man Moleskin

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas always seems to fly by. I wake up the day after Christmas and cannot believe that it is over. As an adult, it seems like it goes by faster and faster every year. Many of us are caught up in shopping, baking, preparing Christmas cards, making travel plans, planning Christmas dinner and wrapping up work for the calendar year. This year is a little different, many of us have kids that are at home learning. It just adds more chaos to our lives. One day we will not be alive and it will be too late to go back and spend quality time with your family. Make the best of the opportunities you have in front of you.

This year I’m trying to make a conscious effort to enjoy the season and the time with my family a little more. I’m trying to put the phone down and enjoy the magic of the season with my kids and my wife. I have a few days off of work over the next week and I’m going to do my best to tune out all of the other distractions in my life.

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