01/30/2023 - The Outpost - Metal Monday at OP
AO: The Outpost
When: 01/30/2023
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Preblast The Outpost 1/30/23 0515 for a Metal Monday!
I am somewhat limited in running so I can promise no sprints…but we will get still move, get warm, and get a beatdown in. Bring your coupons. If you’ve got a heavier weight you wanted to play around with…bring it!
Reps will be manageable. Shoes for anything. HC below and SYITG
Got to the AO around 0500. Went through the routine and finalized ‘routes’. Got out and did a bit of stretching before circling up. 0515…let’s go!
Five Core Principals, Disclaimer, Mission Statement, and Credo stated. Also…asked for those who are CPR certified to identify themselves. These are the go-to PAX if something tragic were to happen.
SSH IC x 15 then mosey to Southeast corner of parking lot. Burpee x 1 (that was supposed to happen before the mosey but I forgot!)
Tappy Taps IC x 10, Two Burpees OYO, Mosey north to southeast corner of northern parking lot.
Hillbillies IC x 10, Three Burpees done together in cadence. Mosey west to road that runs through the parking lots.
Tempo Squats IC x 10, Four Burpees in cadence. Mosey to roundabout near pavilion. Two laps around parking lot doing a side shuffle left, then right. Mosey back to flags.
Five Burpees, in cadence. We are warm!
Mosey with coupons to east half of north parking lot. Drop off coupons. Head over to west half of north parking lot.
The Thang
Thang 1 – Modified Church Picnic
Partner up.
Partner One begin a lunge walk with arms extended out to sides.
Partner Two does Three Burpee-BonnieBlair-Jump Squats (BBJs). Then run to catch partner and switch.
We did this until all PAX completed one lap around the Northwest lot.
Mosey back to where we left coupons.
Thang 2 – Parking Lot Coupon Work
Round 1 –
25 Coupon Chest Press – Bear Crawl to first island – 25 Squats – Crab Walk to second island – 25 LBCs – Run back to Coupons – 25 Coupon Chest Press. Hold Plank for 6.
Round 2 –
15 Overhead Press – Bear Crawl to first island – 15 Jump Squats – Crab Walk to second island – 15 Crab Cakes (each leg ½) – Run back to Coupons – 15 Overhead Press. Hold Squat for 6.
Round 3 –
10 Coupon Curls – Bear Crawl to first island – 10 Fire Hydrants (for each leg) – Crab Walk to second island – 10 Big Boys – Run Back to Coupons – 10 Coupon Curls. Hold Plank for 6.
Thang 3 – Vicious Circle
PAX line up and start a single file mosey around the parking lot. Over and over again… We do this while one PAX at a time runs to the center and does 5 Sandbag Clean and Press. You had two options for this: my 60 lb. Sandbag or 2 Hand’s 40 pound. I challenged PAX to push themselves and attempt the 60lbs. Many of them did.
Once all PAX went through once, we moseyed back to the flags.
Windshield Wipers IC x 10
Plank Jacks IC x 15
American Hammers IC x 20
Recover, recover!
Circle of Trust
Count – 10
Announcements – Thank you 2 Hand Touch!
Name-o-Rama – Shandy, Tailspin, Silo, Tom Bodett, HHGregg, Chutes and Ladders, Dingo, Toto, 2 Hand Touch, Bean Counter!
I took the time to reflect on an awesome past weekend. It started with picking up a last-minute Q at the Complex…then joining the Virtual Q Source Friday during lunch. Great conversation with some great HIM. I highly recommend you give it a try if you are able.
The weekend continued with some awesome 2nd F heading up to Abominable Friday night with some of the guys, then hitting the racecourse Saturday. The race was great. It was challenging. Physically and mentally. I succeeded in at least ‘attempting’ each obstacle, but no mistake, I did not compete them all (no where near) and I have a LOT of room to grow. Vertical Grip Strength. You need it. I don’t have it. However, I thoroughly enjoyed it for being my first time doing an OCR. When the race was over and we were huddled by the fire chatting and enjoying adult beverages, I must have gotten too close to the fire. I didn’t notice until a couple of hours later, but the elbow portion of my jacket was completely melted off!
Anyways, to wrap up and summarize my CoT…the points I wanted PAX to take away were as follows:
- Go to QSource. It is a huge part of F3 and what it stands for. And I am not just talking about the actual material that is written. I am talking about the conversation that it promotes between a group of HIM.
- Continue to challenge yourself in 1st Doing some of the CSAUPs and OCRs are probably where you will learn the most about yourself physically and mentally. If you are able…be sure to check out Frontline OCR in May. (Hit up Hootie with questions).
- Don’t stand too close to a fire.
Naked Man Moleskin
Another great morning with the HIM of F3 at The Outpost. I wanted to make sure I kept us moving and warm, but also take into consideration this nagging knee pain that I have been dealing with. AAR seemed to indicate that the PAX were feeling good.
Had a good quick chat with 2 Hand after the post about using the heavier sandbags. It is a great challenge and rewarding to get it done. I do feel I need to keep an eye on the Q and the format of the workout though. Doing 100 Curls / Overhead Press with the bag just isn’t going to work at the moment. I want to keep focusing on form and building up strength. If that means I have to revert to a standard coupon for a workout or two during the week, I am NOT too proud to do just that.
Honored to lead the men today. – BC