03/07/2022 - The Outpost - Metallica Monday Swole Sesh
AO: The Outpost
When: 03/07/2022
Number of Pax: 11
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast –
Metallica Monday – OG Outpost!
I will be honest, I’ve got a bit of a bum wheel. This calls for a proper lift sesh. There will be some/minimal running at a modest pace to get the heart rate going but the primary focus of this beatdown will be to lift some concrete (or whatever the hell a coupon is made out of).If you got a favorite Metallica song or two, drop it in with your HC. Otherwise, I will have us ready to go with some of my favs.
Got up a few minutes early since I knew I had a few extra things to load into the car. Once I got to the AO I unloaded and set everything up under the pavilion. We had the Big Boy Coupon, a 35 pound kettlebell, and two 12-pound dumbells.
Circled up, recited the five core principles and disclaimer. Hit ‘play’ on the Metallica playlist and we were off!
Good Mornings IC x 10
Tempo Squats IC x 15
Grady Corns IC x 20
SSH IC x 25
Mosey to the Pavilion with our Coupons
The Thang
Counted off into two teams of four and one team of three. Each team took a turn going through “The Gauntlet” while the rest of the PAX were in the “Holding Cell”.
PAX in the Holding Cell did the following exercises AMRAP – 15 Reps Each:
- Dirkins
- Coupon Curls
- Dips
- Vertical Coupon Chest Press
- Squat Step Ups
- Skull Crushers
- Carolina Dry Docks
- Rinse and Repeat…
Meanwhile the team in the Gauntlet performed the below exercises for 40 seconds each with a 5 second transition period (Used a Tabata Timer). The team of four each picked one exercise from below then rotated until everyone on the team got to do each exercise.
Round 1:
Big Boy Coupon Chest Press
Single Arm Row with 35 lb Kettlebell (KB)
Curl to OH Press with two 12lb Dumbells
Round 2:
Big Boy Coupon Goblet Squat
KB High Pull
Dumbell Side Raise and Front Raise
High Knees
Round 3:
Big Boy Coupon Thrusters
KB Swings
American Hammers while holding dumbells
Butt Kickers
After each team (all PAX) completed each round, we all took a ‘recovery’ mosey down to the speedbump and back to shake out the muscles.
After everyone finished Round 3, we brought our coupons back to the flags for Mary.
LBCs IC x 20
V Reach IC x 15
SLOW Freddie Mercuries IC x 10
High Plank :30 seconds
Shoulder Taps IC x 10
Recover Recover!
Circle of Trust
Count-a-Rama – 11!
Announcements – Thanks Crop Duster
I’ll be honest, didn’t have a ton prepared today. I revisited my words from Saturday’s CoT related to how nice the weather was and how important it was to get out and enjoy the day with your family/friends. I mentioned how I ran into Bronco and I heard from One Eye Willy that he had been out as well. My main message was to just get out and seize each day…seize each moment. Before you know it, you end up back with another day like today where the weather sucks! Take advantage of the great moments or opportunities that come your way.
Naked Man Moleskin
It was nice to get a good lifting session in. I made things way too hard on myself though with trying to plan a workout that was very ‘numbers’ specific, while not knowing how many PAX would actually show up. I had a cheat sheet that I made myself with different scenarios depending on how many PAX were there once 5:15 rolled around. Luckily we ended up having 11 PAX which fell right into my 10-12 scenario. Anything over 12 would have been tricky so I was sweating it a bit overnight.
I liked the concept and the format of this mornings beatdown, but I have some ideas to make it better in the future…so stay tuned! Also – note to whiteboard users…don’t be a dumbass and use lime green markers. Looks cool inside the house with proper lighting…absolutely worthless outside in the gloom. The PAX got a good eye test today. Thanks to all the PAX who helped me bring all the extra equipment back to my car. I told them to leave it under the pavilion and I would just grab it all after the workout, but like the true HIM these PAX are, everyone grabbed something and made my life a lot easier!
Thanks for the support – BC