12/20/2022 - The Outpost - Miracles Happen!
AO: The Outpost
When: 12/20/2022
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast – Tuesday 12/20 Late Start Outpost 0615
Are you racking up those miles this month? Continuing your Scrooged quest tomorrow at OP? Starting to worry about maybe losing some of those gainzzzz!?!? Well…get your run in AND work on building some muscle tomorrow by sticking around after Barf Bag’s Q and joining me in a little lift session. This will not be full on approved…but it will be fairly minimal and just enough to keep us warm. Last couple of weeks of the year…let’s make them count! You can still make it here from Two Wolves AND Complex too…so don’t be shy.
Drop your HC in the thread and I will see you in the slightly later Gloom!
Just finished up an awesome Shield Lock run at Outpost Run Club with Cannoli. Great mummblechatter with the dude who brought me out to F3!
PAX started pulling in and circling up. Five core principles, disclaimer, mission statement, and credo recited. Let’s get warm.
Motivators 7-5
Tappy Taps IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
Arm Circles IC x 10
Bat Wings IC x 10
Motivators x 4-1
The Thang
We did three sets of “11’s”. All on my count. Together.
Set 1 – Upper
- Tricep/OH Press x 10
- Chest Press x 15
- Double Curl x 1
Then Tri/OH Press x 9, Chest Press 15, Double Curl x 2. Etc etc until Tri/OH Press x 1, Chest Press x 15, Double Curl x 10.
Long Lap around the parking lot.
Set 2 – Core
- Buzzsaws IC x 10
- Bridges x 10
- Coupon LBCs x 1
Then Buzzsaws IC x 9, Bridges x 10, Coupon LBCs x 2, etc etc until Buzzsaws IC x 1, Bridges x 10, Coupon LBCs x 10.
Lap around the smaller parking lot.
Set 3 – Lower
- Thruster x 5
- Step Ups x 6
- Wide Stance Sumo Goblet Squat x 1
Then Thrusters x 4, Step Ups x 6, Sumo x 2 etc etc until Thrusters x 1, Step Ups x 6, Sumo x 5.
(Cut down from the originally planned 11’s due to time)
Mosey back to flags.
Mantee IC x 10
Big Boys x 10
Supermans IC x 10
Circle of Trust
Count – 8
Announcements – Thanks Chaps
Name-o-Rama – Cowpie, Dilbert, HHGregg, White Rabbit, Toto, Whopper Jr, Chaps, Bean Counter
Never give up. Miracles happen every day. Case and point… Cowpie and my fantasy football teams were the #6 and #7 seeds, respectively entering the weekend. About 4-5 different crazy things ALL happened that needed to happen and your boys are now #3 and #4 seeds and IN the PLAYOFFS! You never know…if there is the slightest chance of happening, never give up hope! I say this somewhat as a joke but take something away from it…. Miracles DO happen every day!
Naked Man Moleskin
Great times with a great squad at LOP. Loved the energy today. 9 Pack Week is next week…looking forward to a few more guys coming out to LOP!
Always an honor – BC