08/21/2020 - The Launch Pad - Nacho Libre’s Return

AO: The Launch Pad

When: 08/21/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Aladdin, atat, Baby Hands, Cousin Eddie, Cupcake, Elmer Fudd, Goldberg, Hootie, hot box, House Arrest, Magellan, Moonlight, Nacho Libre, Porch Pirate, Scotts, Sewer Rat, Sweet Gherkins,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Nacho Libre


Post-Covid attendance Record for Launchpad today

Remember when you were in your early 20’s and you would lift on Friday afternoon before hitting the bars just so you’d look pumped up? Yep, that was today. No girl ever asked me to flex my cardio.


Warmarama – motivators from 6, arm circles front/back, seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan nightclubs

The Thang

Thang 1 -1 HIM bear crawls to middle and does 10 penny pinchers total, everyone else does an exercise. When the 1st HIM gets back, the next one goes and the rest switch exercises. We did the following exercises – Burpees, sumo squats, blockees, big boys, waiter curls, sidle Strattle hops, dips, lunges, rows, jump squats, American hammers, over head press, goblet squats, thrusters, regular curls, lbc’s, and football break down drill.

Thang 2 –  circle of love – 10 each of Merkins, Derkins, incline Merkins, archers left, archers right, Diamond, crucible, spider man, Superman, break dancers, rocking horse, down down up up, and 5 plyo or clapping Merkins – 125 total reps with great form

Thang 3 – instead of Mary we did pull-ups.  partner up, sets of 5 while the other holds plank

1/2 mile fast run



Circle of Trust

COT – 1st Thank you for welcoming me back, missed you guys. 2nd, during my break I’ve had a chance to spend time with some really good men specifically Buttermaker,  Ronda Rousey, and Belichek. Each day I feel like I learned more and more from them. But, the one theme that is consistent with each  of them is selflessness. It’s about others before themselves and their actions prove it daily. There’s no bullshit bravado, just doing what’s needed to help. I challenge each of you to take a page out of these  good men’s books and make your slice of earth a little better than how you found it.


Naked Man Moleskin

Cupcake brought his beautiful dog with him today, a golden lab I believe.  It reminded me of the old times with Lucky and Noonan. I still miss him and that infectious smile of his. After the initial sadness that comes from thinking about a friend who passed much too early, I was overwhelmed with an incredible sense of gratitude for all of you.

But I’m still not getting back on Slack, you Savages. You will have to settle for The Fake Nacho brilliantly created and managed by Goldberg.

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