06/11/2021 - The Bear - Never skip leg day

AO: The Bear

When: 06/11/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Barbara, Bear Spray, Cage Free, Chazz, Dorn, Sputnik, Tractor Beam, Urban Cowboy,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Space Force


We crushed it today! Got the legs nice and sore so we look like a newborn giraffe for the weekend. Everyone worked hard and for my VQ it was only successful because you guys put in the work and showed up!


Dynamic warm up

-Hip Hinges, Squat mobility, Knee grabs, Ankle grabs, Calf/hamstring raises, Frankenstien walk, Lateral Hurdles, Spiderman crawl, High knees, High knee skip, Frankenstien skip, backwards run turn then sprint, lateral shuffle sprint, shuttle sprint.

The Thang

First Thang: Agility ladders x2 each

High knees, lateral high knees, icky shuffle, Nordic shuffle

Next Thang: Grabbed a thunder buddy and farmers carry trade off when we traveled to each exercise, 5x burpees if you set the coupons down.

Third Thang: Wall sit coupon pass

Sat on the wall and passed a coupon back and fourth till we all had it 25x

Thang D: Team Bear Crawl

Lined up and did a high plank while taking turns bear crawl through the group facing one direction

Followed up with a low plank with a bear crawl turning to weave through

Finished him with a side plank and a run through the group

Thang 4: Fun at the hill

Run, backwards run, high knee skip up the hill then run down.

Final thang: Bring Sally Up

Air squats to the song Bring Sally Up to finish the day!


Circle of Trust

Talked about perseverance and getting through whatever may be bogging you down in life, just keep moving and keep going and you can get anything done!

Naked Man Moleskin

I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.


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