12/31/2019 - The Complex - New Year’s Eve with Uncle Rico

AO: The Complex

When: 12/31/2019


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Ann Arbor, Brooks, Elway, HH Gregg, Super 8, Uncle Rico, Waterfall, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Uncle Rico


It’s New Year’s Eve. We’ve got 45 minutes to close the year out on a high note. *Bonus Disclaimer: Lifting arms afterwards will be difficult and maybe painful. You’ll need a Coupon. Anyone wanna join?? At 0515 we get going…


Conditions were pretty gnarly. Cold, windy, icy. YHC prefers safety over machado so we headed over to the Pavilion where we could stay safe-ish while still working hard.

SSH’s IC x 50, Imperial Walkers IC x 50, High Plank Knee-to-Elbow IC x 20

The Thang

Thang 1: DORA

Exercises: 400 Coupon Bench Presses, 300 Coupon Curls, 200 Coupon Bent Over Rows, 100 Overhead Presses.

Rather than run on black ice, snow, ice, etc. the other partner did 25 single count SSH’s.

To keep the arm burn going, afterward we did Coupon Ring of Fire. PAX held Coups overhead while we went around one by one and each Pax did 5 Coupon Curls. Then we held High Plank for 1 minute. One more Ring of Fire. Low Plank for 1 minute. One more Ring of Fire! High Plank for 1 more minute!

Last, a timer was set for 3 minutes. Pax held their Coupons overhead for as long as they could. If they needed to drop their Coupon they did 10 Merkins and went back up Overhead.

Arms and Shoulders now sufficiently smoked!

A few quick Mary exercises to wrap things up: American Hammers IC x 30 and LBC’s IC x 30.

We grabbed our Coupons and headed back to the flag for CoT.

Circle of Trust

It being New Year’s Eve and all, it’s a time where many people come up with Resolutions for the New Year. Personally, I’ve never really been good at resolutions. Or enjoyed coming up with them for that matter. Always thought they were a little forced and if there was no accountability (conscious or sub-conscious) they just go by the wayside. It’s like the influx of people at gyms everywhere in January, February and then by April it’s back to the “normal” amount of people in the gyms. With F3 in my life I feel like I am identifying and instituting “resolutions” on an ongoing basis. Being out ITG with High Impact Men and seeing and hearing about all the awesome things guys are doing makes me want to be better in my own life.

So instead of a resolution(s), I am going into 2020 with a word. Well, two words. Grateful and Flexible. These words will be my guiding light, if you will, in all that I do. Remembering to be grateful for all that I already have, especially during times I find myself wanting more or something else. Good health, financial stability, loving family, friends, F3, etc. I have it way too good and just need to remain grateful. Flexible – physically (continue doing yoga as a balance to F3 boot camps), mentally (things doing always go to plan, and I live a good “plan”, so roll with the punches, be it at work, home, etc), emotionally, etc.

We prayed. Prayed for the safety of everyone that is out and about this evening. Prayed for soft hearts and open minds that we can bring kindness to those we come into contact with.

#WinTheDay. SYITG

Naked Man Moleskin

Encouraged all 8 of us to sign up for a Q by the end of the day. For those that have not Q’d, this would be their VQ and doesn’t have to be next week necessarily but to get their name on the Q Schedule down the road and to work towards that opportunity to lead! LFG

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