04/20/2022 - The Complex - Picture Me Rollin’ 3.0
AO: The Complex
When: 04/20/2022
Number of Pax: 26
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Turner
PREBLAST – THE COMPLEX – 4/20/22 @ 5:15a
Picture Me Rollin’ 3.0
Pick It, Pack It, Fire It Up, Come Along…
It has been almost a year since we’ve rolled at The Complex. Join us tomorrow for some team-based boot camp competition as we get better and keep on rolling.
Bring your coupon and if you can recommend a song about dice or rollin’ for the playlist drop it below.
1. Good morning. Welcome to F3 at The Complex. I’m Turner. Today’s Site-Q is Columbus. This is a free, outdoor, participant-led, boot camp-style workout that is open to all men and that ends with a circle of trust
2. You are here of your own voluntary choice and at your own risk
3. I am not a professional and I am not aware of any injuries you may have
4. Be aware of your own fitness and modify any exercise as needed, but know you will only get stronger if you push yourself
5. Any FNGs?
1. Abe Vigodas
2. Trunk totations
3. Arm circles forward then backward; Grady corns
4. Stretch legs & calves OYO
5. Motivators from 6
The Thang
Mosey with coupons from parking lot to pavilion.
“Picture Me Rollin'”
PAX split into 2 teams (13 v 13)
Each team took turns rolling dice and completing exercise corresponding to roll. Each roll is tallied and highest total score at the end win.
2: 15 BLOCKEEs
5: 15 MERKINs
6: 15 CURLs
8: 15 BIG BOYs
Team 1 beat Team 2 by a score of 292 (on 40 rolls) to 265 (on 39 rolls).
Circle of Trust
1. Circle up
2. Count-O-Rama
3. Announcements
4. Prayer Requests:
5. Name-O-Rama
6. Share
My uncle is doing poorly. He’s been at Edward for over 2 weeks. Cancer and some unidentified infection. He was getting worse by the hour and it seemed the end was near. My parents were in Denver with my brother for Easter and when it looked like my uncle wasn’t going to last they took an emergency flight home on Saturday. Got to the hospital at 11:30p were permitted to visit him even though visiting hours had ended.
So my Dad enters into a hospital room with his unconscious big brother who is at the doorstep. What do you do?
You pray. And that’s what he did.
After 2 weeks of bad news, yesterday the doctors said that although he’s still the sickest person in the hospital, for the first time he’s shown some improvement and he’s now gone from hour-to-hour to day-to-day.
I don’t think so. I believe in the power of prayer.
For me, as much as the workout, as much as the fellowship, getting a moment in the gloom to pray is what keeps me coming out.
In the Bible it says
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds”
In my experience prayer can change circumstances, but it always changes my perspective.
Want to encourage us to speak to God and trust He hears us.
Time in prayer is never wasted, it is time well spent.
7. Prayer
God, there is none like you. We praise you this morning and marvel at your creation. Thank you for blessing us with these healthy bodies that perform better the harder we work them and for the positive relationships and opportunities to work together for positive impact. We pray that we will serve others where there are needs and seek help when we need it. We pray for Hacksaw’s brother-in law, for Columbus’ stepmom, for my uncle and all their families. Continue to bless us and favor us Lord and help us to serve others and to trust you. In your name, Amen.
Naked Man Moleskin
Webelos shared that the F3 Nation Q-Source Podcast was on Prayer this week. Great listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/podcasts-from-f3-nation/id1218921251?i=1000558028421
The numbers were very evenly distributed. 41 rolls v. 40 rolls. 6, 8 & 9 tied as the most frequently rolled number (11x). Both teams rolled 7 5 times. Both teams rolled box cars one time and had to run the loop. Only Team 2 rolled snake eyes and had to complete 15 blockees – that likely cost Team 2 the match.
1. Columbus for having my 6, checking-in to make sure I was prepared, and keeping an eye on everything – great teammate always
2. Hooch for EHing me, and supporting and encouraging me continuously since I started
3. Wet Wipe for always encouraging & pushing
4. My guy, Goldmember, for joining and for being such an exemplary F3 HIM. So cool looking out in the gloom and seeing a friend I’ve had since we were kids.
5. For everyone who came out; appreciate you all