02/23/2022 - The Complex - Polar Plunge
AO: The Complex
When: 02/23/2022
Number of Pax: 18
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
PreBlast The Complex 2/23 5:15am
@channel join me for a full body beatdown in the gloom tomorrow. The real feel will be about 40 degrees colder, but since when has the cold ever stopped us? Bring your coupons and shoes for all surfaces. I will bring the tunes. Together we will bring the
I look forward to seeing all my Complex buddies tomorrow!
I arrived at the AO around 5:05. A little later than I would have hoped. I was immediately greeted by cones blocking off the main part of the parking lot. Hmm… I got out of my car and was met by Columbus. I told him what I planned on doing today, but it wasn’t looking very good. We ended up taking a quick walk around the trail and there were just too many icy patches and no where to run along the east side of the loop. I decided to call an audible on the location of the main Thang. Time to head back to the flags but the whole parking lot was ice. And not very thick ice either. That is where things got interesting. As I was walking back, I immediately started sinking into the breaking ice. I was able to scat across to the curb out of the ice/water. Columbus…poor Columbus… did not have the same luck. After trying to find another path through, he got caught right in the middle of the breaking ice. He said screw it and tried to just run across. The ice said “Nope” snatched up his ankles and boom… an unplanned Polar Plunge happened. We both had the same idea…he needed to get back home and change. We may brag about braving the elements here in F3, but this would just be stupid. Time for Mom’s Group to step in as the SiteQ for the day.
I apologize to the PAX for the slight delay but it was not 5:16ish and we were off. Five Core Principals and Disclaimer were recited. Let’s warm up!
Good Mornings IC x 10 – SSH x 5
Arm Circles Forward IC x 10 – SSH x 10
Arm Circles Backwards IC x 10 – SSH x 15
Calf Stretch L/R 10 Count Each – SSH x 20
Mosey to Pavilion the area between the tennis courts and skating rink.
The Thang
5 Station Obliteration
Round 1
Lion Kings OYO x 10
One Leg Burpee x 10 (5 each) Forgot this…
Mosey to first station on NE Corner of skating rink. 5 Bonnie Blairs IC
Mosey to second station on SE corner of basketball court. 10 Side Lunges IC
Mosey to third station on SW corner of tennis courts. 15 Jump Squats w/ 180 degree twist
Mosey to fourth station on NW corner of tennis courts. 20 Air Squats on my down.
Mosey back to coupon area for modified fifth station. 25 Monkey Humpers IC (This sucked)
Welcome back Columbus!
Round 2
Ozarks (Coupon Swings) OYO x 20
One Leg Burpee x 10 (5 each) OYO
Mosey to Station 1 – 5 Turkish Get-Ups
Mosey to Station 2 – 10 Big Boys on my Up
Mosey to Station 3 – 15 LBCs IC
Mosey to Station 4 – 20 Shoulder Taps IC
Mosey to Station 5 – 25 Plank Jacks IC
Round 3
Chest Press x 30 OYO
One Leg Burpee x 10 (5 each) OYO
Mosey to Station 1 – 5 Derkins on Skating Rink Wall, on my down
Mosey to Station 2 – 10 Diamond Merkins on my down
Mosey to Station 3 – 15 Hand Release Merkins on my down
Mosey to Station 4 – 20 Merkins on my down
Mosey to Station 5 – 25 Carolina Dry Dock on my down
We had an extra two minutes, so we did Coupon Curls on my up x 15 then mosey back to flags.
Leg Climbers Set
Plank Around the Clock
Boat / Canoe
Circle of Trust
Count-a-rama – 18 Strong!
Announcements – Thanks Mom’s Group
Naming of the FNG! Welcome Beanie Baby who is originally from Westmont, does not have many embarrassing stories, and now has a part of my name forever a part of his F3 name! 😊
I started with a quick thought on being prepared. Many of us had to modify / adapt / overcome today. Not ideal elements. I am sure Columbus did not plan on going for a swim this morning. I am sure Mom’s Group did not think he would be SiteQ today. I did not think we would be mostly off pavement today. We all made it work.
My actual CoT was a couple of thoughts on a recent work situation I was presented with. We recently promoted two new supervisors. My boss asked me if I would be a mentor to one of them. He told me that he likes the way I treat my employees and how I do my job. I was honored. This is another way to think about #GivingItAway! F3 has prepared me for this. I spend all of last week going over some of the in’s and out’s of the position. I am hopeful that I laid a solid foundation for the new supervisor, but I also realized that there is so much that goes into the job that I hadn’t even thought about. Has anyone here ever thought about what it is they do on a daily basis for work? To try and sum it up in an efficient manner is probably pretty tough. Is also made me think about how F3 started as just a few dudes working out together in a parking lot. Social media was probably minimal. Tracking on a google sheet. Think of where it is today! We are averaging 100 guys every morning in our region. Incredible. Just makes you pull back and think about everything that goes into getting something running at its optimal level. It does not happen overnight. So take a minute to think about all you have accomplished. All the hard work you put in to get to this point. Then think about what else you have to accomplish. Understand that it won’t happen right away. You will need to work for it and build it. Just like you have everything else. Aye!?
Naked Man Moleskin
Second Q in a row where the elements caused me to have to change my plans or route. I felt a little unorganized to start the workout and for that I apologize to the PAX in attendance. I like to be on top of my plan and execution and I don’t think that happened today. Starting a minute or so late is not something I ever want to do. I hope PAX still feel they got a good burn in for 43+ minutes though. I look forward to making it a little better the next time I get a chance to come Q at the Complex.
As always, the Complex boys show up and show out. Great seeing some new faces and some old too. Shout out to the vest crew! For those unaware, Ozark is also a co-worker of mine and it had been quite some time since we posted together. Good to see you (and your 50lb sandbag)!
We finished out Mary with some Stevie Ray Vaughan – Texas Flood … perhaps there was just something in my gut telling me to add that to my playlist last night knowing it would be relevant today??
Always an honor – BC