07/02/2021 - Black Panther - Pre-Convergence Beatdown

AO: Black Panther

When: 07/02/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Bar Code, Dick Cheney, DJ Sump Pump, Handy Manny, Hurley, Judge Smails, Munson, O’Douls, Parks and Rec,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Judge Smails


This Q was sitting open, so I figured I should step up and take it.

“Aim small, miss small.” Get your mind and body ready for Saturday’s Convergence. This won’t be a cupcake workout, so if you’re looking to take it easy before the big day, look elsewhere. However, if you want a full-body beatdown that gets you tuned up for the weekend, then BP is the place to be. Bring your coupon and come ready to conquer both pavement and turf. Drop your HC in the thread below.“Vive le Liberte!”

Absolutely perfect morning.  I arrived early to mark out the workout,  Parks and Rec, of course, was already there, training for the PT test at GrowRuck.

Pax started rolling in.  5:15.  Disclaimer was given.  Let’s go.


Today, we’re going to hit every part of the body and keep our hear rates up.  All reps in cadence:

Good mornings- 10

Abe Vigodas- 10

Arm Circles- 10 front/10 back

Seal Claps- 10

Overhead Claps- 10

Goof Balls- 25

The Thang

We grabbed our coupons and headed over to the center of the baseball fields for the thang…

Four corners beatdown

All start in the center with 10 Blockees.

  • Bear Crawl to first light post on NE path and do 25 squats.  Mosey back to the center for 10 Blockees.
  • Lunge Walk with a Twist to the first light post on the SE path and do 25 Big Boy Sit Ups.  Mosey back to center for 10 Blockees.
  • Bear Crawl to first light post on SW path and do 25 Side Straddle Hops. Mosey back to center for 10 Blockees.
  • Lunch Walk with a Twist to the first light post on the NW path and do 25 Mountain Climbers.  Mosey back to center for 10 Blockees.
  • Rinse and repeat, but replace Blockees with:
    • 2nd round- 25 Curls
    • 3rd round- 25 Chest Presses
    • 4th round- 25 Rows

Everyone go to the chest presses before we ran out of time and had to return to the flags for Mary.



LBCs- 25

Heel Touches- 25

Swimmers- 15

5 Merkin Ring of Fire

Freddy Mercurys- 25

Stargazers until 6:00


Circle of Trust

Everyone has a list of movies they’ve watched dozens of times.  For me, its Caddy Shack (obviously), Top Gun, Major League…  and The Patriot, which I always have to watch around every Independence Day.  One line that I always recall is “Aim small, miss small.”  In the context of the movie, it’s about aiming your weapon at the smallest possible target.  In larger context, it’s about focusing on the small things so the bigger things take care of themselves.  Many of you know that I have been on the 75Hard journey (today is day 72!).  I have found that the key to success is, instead of focusing on 75 days, that it’s important to be intentional in the smallest ways possible.  You only succeed one step at a time, one page at a time, one drink of water at a time.  I have mentioned before the book I have gifted more than any other, The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.  In the book, every choice is guided by the focusing questi0n: “What is the one thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else becomes either easier or unnecessary?”  By keeping our focus small but intentional, we can take the small steps that lead to bigger successes.

Naked Man Moleskin

It was great to see the regulars out, and especially Hurley, who is quickly becoming one.  Keep at it brother!

Congratulations are in order to DJ Sump Pump as he transitions his Friday Site Q duties to O’Douls.  Great work DJ, and welcome O’Douls!


Until next time,


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