05/18/2022 - The Complex - Press and Irk
AO: The Complex
When: 05/18/2022
Number of Pax: 22
Pax Names:
DR Names:
Number of FNGS:
FNG Names:
QIC: Bean Counter
Your Preblast for Wednesday 5/18 at
The Complex!
Join YHC as we start our morning off with a nice little beatdown. I will target mostly upper body but we will hit a little bit of everything. That being said… bring your BIG BOY coupons (edit…or regular coupons) and shoes for all surfaces. Ill bring the tunes and punishment. SYITG!
Three different PAX reached out to me this morning before the Q. Three different messages.
I woke up and had a message from a PAX saying he had to pull his HC due to injury. Nice of him to reach out…hope it isn’t serious.
As I pulled out of my driveway I got a text from another PAX saying he had to pull his HC due to a rough night of sleep combined with working late. Again, appreciate them reaching out.
Then about 5 minutes out from the AO I got another text…this time from my SiteQ. It was a gif of Stone Cold Steve Austin slamming some beers together before the chug. Hell. Yea.
5 Core Principles recited, Disclaimer given, credo and mission statement stated…this into is getting longer and longer!
FNG Mike in the house! Mike is a former bandmate of mine who has kids pretty much the exact same age as mine. We’ve hung out a bunch over the years and he works out at the Revolution Fitness CrossFit gym on Book Rd…so I am glad he finally made it out to an F3 workout.
Let’s warm up!
Good Mornings IC x 10
Tricep Stretch L/R x 10s
SSH IC x 10
On the Ground – Pec Stretch L/R x 10s
Groin Stretch x 10s
Imperial Walkers IC x 10
The Thang
Thang 1 – Coupon Work Lap
Coupon Mosey around the Complex ballfield loop. Approx .5 mile. We stopped 10 times throughout the loop to do a set of 20 Coupon Chest Press (20 everytime for a total of 200) and decreasing Irkins (for a total of 55). This one felt like a good chest pump to me.
Thang 2 – Baton Pass Lap
We did the same .5 mile lap but broken out into three lines. Pass the baton from the front of the line to the back. Once it gets to the back, sprint to the front and start passing it back again.
Thang 3 – Mini Hill
Partner Up
P1 – 10 Thrusters
P2 – Run down hill, Bernie Up the Hill.
We continued this for about 8 minutes. About 1/3 of the way through, I switched it to run down hill, bear crawl up the hill. Then the last couple of minutes I switched it back to run/bernie.
Freddie Mercuries IC x 10
Boxcutters IC x 10
Buzzsaw IC x 10
Ring of Fire – High Plank / Mountain Climbers x 4, each leg is one.
Repeat RoF but Low Plank with Mountain Climbers x 8
Recover, Recover!
Circle of Trust
Count – 22
Announcements – Thanks C-Bus
FNG Mike was named Tajin!! (Funny story about how he tried hard to pronounce it with flair and then got shown up by his friends wife from Ecuador.
Name-O-Rama – Sarah Palin, Beanie Baby, Olaf, Tang, Malort, Winthrope, Overhead, Magellan, SnaggleTooth, Snow Cone, Mom’s Group, Snots, Wet Wipe, Mendoza, Leaks, Poutine, Blinky, Tajin, KoKo, Columbus, Bean Counter, Bongo.
Once again, a little recap or thought after watching the show “This is Us” last night with me M. Without giving anything away, there is a family member that is basically approaching their last moments alive. In looking back on their life they mention how it is sad that it is coming to an end. The person they were with made a statement that gave an interesting perspective. There are many thoughts on death and how we should reflect back on life, but hear me out. Or at least hear out this person’s perspective from the show HA!
He said we should be sad at the end of a life. We should look back and realize how great it was…how life was lived to the fullest. We should be sad that it is over. If you are not sad to be ending something, then was it even that great to begin with?
Anyways…something to think about. Are we living life to the fullest. Are we making it worthwhile and something where we will look back and realize that we are sad it is coming to an end? Or are we just going through the motions?
Naked Man Moleskin
MIKE MADE IT OUT!! It was awesome to have someone who I knew before F3 actually come out. I don’t know how most of these guys are out here EHing guys left and right but I have never had much success. I will admit, sometimes it is a little nerve-wrecking having a guy you know outside of F3 come in and see you in the F3 “element”, but I quickly got over those nerves and hopefully delivered a good beatdown.
It may not have been my most creative beatdown I’ve ever delivered, but sometimes you just need to pound out some reps and feel sore for a couple of days. That was my goal today. I also am not a big fan of coupon moseys but I thought by breaking it up into very small chunks, we could all get it done without risking injury. I was pleased with the result.
Who woke up today thinking they’d get 200 reps of coupon chest press (some of us with Big Boys) and another 55 reps of Irkins?
Honored to lead – BC