07/09/2020 - The Citadel - Repeat of Hill Repeats- Run Club

AO: The Citadel

When: 07/09/2020


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: 10pin, Appletini, Ball Boy, Boxcutter, Brick, Fargo, Mayhem, Mr. Hankey, Nala, Pork Rinds, Rudy, Seabiscuit, Uncle Rico,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names: Mumbler

QIC: Muggsy


For the third week in a row Pax knew what was coming….hills on repeat…and still 15 showed up


SSH IC 25x

Goofballs IC 25x

Mosey(skip, butt kickers, high knees)

Stop for 25 merkins…Why? Probably because I’m self conscious about becoming a runner and wanted a pump

The Thang

Indian Run- 1 mile

Hill loop repeat 5x (1 minute plank hold while waiting for the 6)

Hill suicides until Mary (start base of hill, run to middle top and back down, back up and over the hill, and back to start)

Indian run back to parking lot



Jump rope crunch- IC 20x

Absolution – 8x

American Hammers- IC 10x

Circle of Trust

I’ve been interested more in psychology of late and wanted to pass along a few things I’ve found to be beneficial.


“Clean your house”-take care of you first, do your part, don’t expect or wait on others for a hand

Have the humility to set your bar(goals) sufficiently low. Good habits start with one thing that is attainable. As it says in the New Testament and in professed in economic theory “To those that have everything more will be given, and to those that have nothing everything will be taken away”

There’s a snowball effect. Start with one good habit, and it leads to more. The opposite is of course is equally true.

Naked Man Moleskin

I’ve done this hill loop many times in the last few months. All thanks to Fib and Ball Boy, we had a great weekly push. It was a pleasure to see our improvements and get after each other. The goal the last 3 weeks of run club at Citadel was to bring it back and get other pax involved. It was awesome to see a lot of the same faces this 3rd week that also attended the first. I love seeing guys get after it out there in the heat and work to get better at something. Nothing better!

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